Dario Vacirca examines efforts to prosecute ongoing crimes against Australia’s First Nations.
Alexis Wright gives an epic account of the life and work of a man who took the campaign for Aboriginal rights to the highest levels in her award-winning biography of renowned activist, Tracker Tilmouth.
State and corporate interests across Northern Australia are steamrolling the rights and aspirations of Indigenous peoples in pursuit of economic largesse, Ben Abbatangelo writes.
Veteran activist, academic and actor Gary Foley talks to Zoe Holman about the past and future of Aboriginal resistance.
Senator Lidia Thorpe talks to Zoe Holman about power, Treaty and Australia’s identity crisis.
From the First Fleet’s arrival to today’s fight for recognition, we trace the turbulent history of Aboriginal Australians—a journey of dispossession, resistance, and resilience.
This is not your land. After the defeat of a 2023 referendum on the inclusion of a First Nations Voice in parliament, Zoe Holman traces the claims to self-determination made by Indigenous peoples in Australia, culminating in today’s rallying call for Treaty.
Australian First Nations activist takes genocide case against the Crown, reports Zoe Holman.
Honour for a war criminal from Australia, reports Zoe Holman.
Zoe Holman reports on the Australian public’s overwhelming decision not to recognize Indigenous people in their constitution.
Report on the decimation of Tasmania’s old growth forest by Nick Dowson.
Another day of mourning for First Nations people in Australia, reports Will Higginbotham.
The Kurdish-Iranian writer has been imprisoned on Manus Island – part of Australia’s notorious asylum detention network – since 2013. But that hasn’t stopped him from writing an award-winning book. Using WhatsApp, Husna Rizvi interviews Behrouz Boochani.
A new app that helps Aboriginal people in Australia record police abuse is the latest intervention in a growing movement that uses filmed evidence to demand accountability. Ian Lloyd Neubauer reports.
After decades of denuding privatization policies, the green shoots of a public takeback are finally appearing. Dinyar Godrej on the promise and the threat.