World AIDS Day posters line a Johannesburg street on 1 December, 2018. Fatima Hassan become one of the foremost campaigners on public health in South Africa after working on legal protections for people living with HIV.Photo: Eva-Lotta Jansson/Alamy

‘Big Pharma is at peak power’

Fatima Hassan took on South Africa’s AIDS denialism – and won. Later, she turned her attention to ‘vaccine apartheid’ in the Covid-19 pandemic. Conrad Landin meets her in Cape Town.

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NI 550 - Abortion - July, 2024
Eva, a farmer in Tema, Ghana spreads locally produced fertilizer in July 2022. Some farmers have reportedly switched to this method due to fertilizer shortages and rising prices.Photo: Sven Torfinn/Panos Pictures

Stand off

When Covid-19 plunged many countries further into debt crises, the G20 came up with a plan that was supposed to help alleviate the debt burden. Four years later, not one country has reached a deal. Amy Hall explores why.

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NI 549 - Debt: which way out? - May, 2024
Inequality Watch

Inequality Watch

Income vs Covid-19 vaccination.

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NI 546 - Spying on dissent - November, 2023
Illustration: Andy K using images from Shutterstock

Hope from the seed of trauma

The pandemic years were the pivot for a rapid shift bringing a better new world into being. Andrew Simms travels through time.

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NI 542 - A world to win - March, 2023
Inequality Watch

Inequality Watch

Billionaires vs the pandemic.

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NI 538 - Rivers of life - July, 2022
Source: Oxfam

Inequality Watch

The Covid pandemic vs wealth inequity.

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NI 536 - Abolition - March, 2022
Illustration: Emma Peer

Agony Uncle: Arguing with a Covid-sceptic friend?

Ethical and political dilemmas abound these days. Seems like we’re all in need of a New Internationalist perspective. Enter stage: Agony Uncle.

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NI 534 - The future of work - November, 2021
Illustration: Sarah John

Vaccine hopes and fears

Iris Gonzales delves into some of the reasons why the vaccine rollout in her country is encountering drag.

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NI 533 - Food justice: who gets to eat? - September, 2021
View from India

View from India

Nilanjana Bhowmick on oxygen inequity and the price paid by her country’s citizens.

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NI 533 - Food justice: who gets to eat? - September, 2021
Protesters against the US trade embargo on Cuba drive past the US Embassy in Havana in a motorcade, 28 March 2021. Photo: ALEXANDRE MENEGHINI/REUTERS

Cuba’s crossroads

Will Miguel Díaz-Canel, the Castros’ hand-picked successor, wield a new broom of change? Wayne Ellwood weighs up the island’s options.

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NI 533 - Food justice: who gets to eat? - September, 2021
Inequality Watch

Inequality Watch

Vaccine profits vs wealth inequality.

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NI 532 - Courage and terror in Myanmar - July, 2021
View from India

View from India

Nilanjana Bhowmick on the colossal failure of governance that has led to needless deaths on a massive scale.

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NI 532 - Courage and terror in Myanmar - July, 2021


From private vaccination schemes to public office misuse of power.

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NI 531 - Vaccine equality - May, 2021
Italy is under pressure to stop using offshore quarantine ferries like the Allegra.Photo: Karlos Zurutuza

Deadly quarantine

Italy is under pressure to stop using offshore quarantine ferries, reports Karlos Zurutuza.

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NI 531 - Vaccine equality - May, 2021
A local art group, art360, painted this mural dedicated to the fight against the virus in the settlement of Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya.Photo: Gordwin Odhiambo/AFP/Getty

A silver lining

Despite the challenges of ensuring equal access, health expert Christopher Morgan is hopeful that the Covid-19 vaccine push is helping to shape a better future for global immunology. He speaks to Amy Hall.

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NI 531 - Vaccine equality - May, 2021
Yewande Oyetade, a medical laboratory technician in Lagos, Nigeria, collects samples for Covid-19 testing at the Agege Primary Health Centre.Photo: Andrew Esiebo/Panos

Scientific internationalism

It is thanks to scientists collaborating across borders that vaccines against Covid-19 have been developed so fast, argues Rajni George.

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NI 531 - Vaccine equality - May, 2021
Making a point: Bill Gates addresses the media after his address to the World Health Assembly at the UN in Geneva.Photo: Reuters/Alamy

The Gates factor

Billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates has a key role in shaping the global response to the pandemic. And it’s not good news for health equality. Nick Dowson investigates why.

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NI 531 - Vaccine equality - May, 2021

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Abortion July, 2024
Debt: which way out? May, 2024
Spying on dissent November, 2023
Palestine July, 2023
A world to win March, 2023
Rivers of life July, 2022
Abolition March, 2022
The future of work November, 2021
Food justice: who gets to eat? September, 2021
Food justice: who gets to eat? September, 2021
Food justice: who gets to eat? September, 2021
Food justice: who gets to eat? September, 2021
Courage and terror in Myanmar July, 2021
Courage and terror in Myanmar July, 2021
Vaccine equality May, 2021
Vaccine equality May, 2021
Vaccine equality May, 2021
Vaccine equality May, 2021
Vaccine equality May, 2021
Vaccine equality May, 2021