At this year’s Kumbh Mela, the transgender spiritual group Kinnar Akhara will walk alongside other holy leaders for the first time.Photo: Shivalika Puri

Spiritual acceptance

At India’s largest Hindu festival, transgender spiritual leaders step into the spotlight for the first time, but Shivalika Puri reveals that their journey for equality is far from over.

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NI 554 - Indigenous sovereignty in Australia - March, 2025
All welcome

All welcome

Report from Bangladesh by Piyas Biswas.

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NI 550 - Abortion - July, 2024
Residents of New Delhi’s Northwest Jahangirpuri neighbourhood watch a demolition, in April 2022, following recent communal violence.Photo: Amarjeet Kumar Singh/Zuma Press Inc/Alamy

Deadly boycott

As anti-Muslim hatred in India is stoked by nationalist politics, Kamran Yousuf and Durdana Bhat report on the economic campaign which has led to the devastation of lives and livelihoods.

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NI 549 - Debt: which way out? - May, 2024
Illustration: P J Polyp

Cartoon History: Tom Paine's bones

Polyp tells the astounding story of an almost forgotten revolutionary.

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NI 539 - Railways - September, 2022
Photo: Lebo Thoka

Southern Exposure: Lebo Thoka

An iconic self-portrait by South African photographer Lebo Thoka.

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NI 528 - A caring economy - November, 2020

Should religion play a role in politics?

From religious leaders who take on political roles to the daily influence of faith on political values, Dawn Foster and Yasmin Alibhai-Brown – two practising believers – find themselves on opposite sides of the debate.

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NI 517 - Trade in Turmoil - January, 2019

‘One of the most hated words in Pakistan is “liberal”’

Pervez Hoodbhoy is one of South Asia’s leading nuclear physicists and an eminent Pakistani academic and intellectual. He talks to Andy Heintz about growing religious extremism and the troubled legacy of international actors in the region.

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NI 512 - Public ownership rises again - May, 2018
Jamila Afghani

Making Waves: Jamila Afghani

A profile of Afghan campaigner for women’s education and rights Jamila Afghani, who started by persuading the imams. Beena Nadeem talks to the unassuming trailblazer

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NI 506 - Brazil's soft coup - October, 2017
Photo: Martin Twomey

A word with Shazia Mirza

Comedian Shazia Mirza reveals her inspirations, fears and political passions.

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NI 491 - Last stand - Saving the world's forests - April, 2016
Painting a pontiff: a New York City office building prepares to welcome Pope Francis.Photo: Mark Lennihan/AP/Press Association Images

A Pope in Washington

Mark Engler hopes that the pontiff will use his US visit to promote a message of social justice.

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NI 486 - The transgender revolution - October, 2015
Not doing the Lord’s work: Pastor Martin Ssempa (wearing spectacles) blesses politician David Bahati, who introduced Uganda’s notorious Anti-Homosexuality Bill as a Private Member’s Bill in 2009. The ceremony took place at an anti-gay church service at the Christianity Focus Centre in Kampala’s biggest slum, Kisenyi. Photo: Benedicte Desrus/Alamy

The anti-gay gospel

How foreign funds amplify hate in Uganda, by Patience Akumu.

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NI 483 - Fundamentalism - Power, politics and persuasion - June, 2015
A comic strip from an Accelerated Christian Education schoolbook teaches girls body shame at an early age.

The miseducation of Jonny Scaramanga

His escape from fundamentalist schooling.

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NI 483 - Fundamentalism - Power, politics and persuasion - June, 2015
Youth against fundamentalism: members of the All India Students’ Association rally against rightwing Hindu groups in Kolkata. ‘Love Azadi’ (freedom to love) counters a pronouncement by the Hindu Mahasabha organization that it would force couples to get married if they were seen together in the open – considered an indecent expression of love.AP Photo/Bikas Das

Captive to their own myths

The upsurge of Hindu nationalism in India, by Urvashi Butalia.

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NI 483 - Fundamentalism - Power, politics and persuasion - June, 2015
Flashing a victory sign, Sana Ijaz (above) demonstrates the fighting spirit of Pakistani civil society, after being arrested for demanding the government do more to counter the Pakistani Taliban.Photo: AP Photo/Mohammad Sajjad

Take your pick

Ziauddin Sardar on the various fundamentalisms on offer in Pakistan.

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NI 483 - Fundamentalism - Power, politics and persuasion - June, 2015
Contested territory: a Hindu nationalist raises a saffron flag atop a church in Muniguda in India’s Orissa state. Minority communities in India are regularly targeted by politically instigated Hindu groups, and churches have been burned and defaced.Photo: AP/Press Association Images

The lure of the dead-end

How do oppressive ideologies take hold despite the devastation they cause? Dinyar Godrej looks behind the news headlines.

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NI 483 - Fundamentalism - Power, politics and persuasion - June, 2015
Illustration: Sarah John

The sultan and I

The role and influence of traditional leaders is often underestimated by international agencies, writes Ruby Diamonde.

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NI 482 - Global banking now - May, 2015
Illustration by Sarah John.

When a sanctuary is a prison

Ruby Diamonde witnesses the pain of a community that can't go home.

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NI 481 - Total control - is Monsanto unstoppable? - April, 2015
Prying plumbers

Prying plumbers

Ylenia Gostoli on the British government's latest ploy to spot those 'at risk of radicalization'.

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NI 477 - Big oil RIP? - November, 2014
YES: Tony Wardle is Associate Director of Viva! – an animal rights campaigning group that carries out undercover investigations into farming and slaughter. He is also a journalist, writer and award-winning TV filmmaker. Books he has written include The Silent Ark, which exposes the impact of global meat production.

Should halal and kosher methods of slaughter be banned?

Viva! campaigner Tony Wardle and social commentator Mohammed Ansar go head to head.

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NI 472 - Organ trafficking - May, 2014

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Indigenous sovereignty in Australia March, 2025
Abortion July, 2024
Debt: which way out? May, 2024
Railways September, 2022
A caring economy November, 2020
Covid-19 lessons from the pandemic September, 2020
Trade in Turmoil January, 2019
Public ownership rises again May, 2018
Brazil's soft coup October, 2017
Last stand - Saving the world's forests April, 2016
The transgender revolution October, 2015
Fundamentalism - Power, politics and persuasion June, 2015
Fundamentalism - Power, politics and persuasion June, 2015
Fundamentalism - Power, politics and persuasion June, 2015
Fundamentalism - Power, politics and persuasion June, 2015
Fundamentalism - Power, politics and persuasion June, 2015
Global banking now May, 2015
Total control - is Monsanto unstoppable? April, 2015
Big oil RIP? November, 2014
Organ trafficking May, 2014