At India’s largest Hindu festival, transgender spiritual leaders step into the spotlight for the first time, but Shivalika Puri reveals that their journey for equality is far from over.
As anti-Muslim hatred in India is stoked by nationalist politics, Kamran Yousuf and Durdana Bhat report on the economic campaign which has led to the devastation of lives and livelihoods.
Polyp tells the astounding story of an almost forgotten revolutionary.
An iconic self-portrait by South African photographer Lebo Thoka.
Update from Britain by Frances Rankin.
From religious leaders who take on political roles to the daily influence of faith on political values, Dawn Foster and Yasmin Alibhai-Brown – two practising believers – find themselves on opposite sides of the debate.
Pervez Hoodbhoy is one of South Asia’s leading nuclear physicists and an eminent Pakistani academic and intellectual. He talks to Andy Heintz about growing religious extremism and the troubled legacy of international actors in the region.
A profile of Afghan campaigner for women’s education and rights Jamila Afghani, who started by persuading the imams. Beena Nadeem talks to the unassuming trailblazer
Comedian Shazia Mirza reveals her inspirations, fears and political passions.
Mark Engler hopes that the pontiff will use his US visit to promote a message of social justice.
How foreign funds amplify hate in Uganda, by Patience Akumu.
His escape from fundamentalist schooling.
The upsurge of Hindu nationalism in India, by Urvashi Butalia.
Ziauddin Sardar on the various fundamentalisms on offer in Pakistan.
How do oppressive ideologies take hold despite the devastation they cause? Dinyar Godrej looks behind the news headlines.
The role and influence of traditional leaders is often underestimated by international agencies, writes Ruby Diamonde.
Ruby Diamonde witnesses the pain of a community that can't go home.
Ylenia Gostoli on the British government's latest ploy to spot those 'at risk of radicalization'.
Viva! campaigner Tony Wardle and social commentator Mohammed Ansar go head to head.