Men's work: Sonwabo Qathula works as a caregiver with the Siyakhanyisa HIV/AIDS support group in South Africa.Photo: Kristin Palitza

Cooking up a storm

Change is brewing among men all over the world. Nikki van der Gaag investigates the promise this holds for both sexes.

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NI 444 - The changing face of masculinity - July, 2011
Protesters at an anti-nuclear rally in Tokyo, 27 March 2011. The signs read: ‘Change energy policy’ and ‘Do not sprinkle radioactive material’.
jeanbaptisteparis under a CC Licence

Nuclear debate intensifies post-Fukushima

An item from the Agenda section of our magazine.

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NI 442 - Climate change denial - May, 2011
The next step: Western Saharawi fisherfolk are demanding the right to fish in their own waters.Photo by Maria Fonfara /

The EU-Morocco Fisheries Partnership

Morocco’s exploitation of Western Sahara’s fish stocks in choppy waters.

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NI 440 - Up in arms - March, 2011
Stop the tar sands trade talks

Stop the tar sands trade talks

A protest against opening the EU's doors to Canada's polluting tar sands

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NI 440 - Up in arms - March, 2011
Okinawans battle to close US bases

Okinawans battle to close US bases

Okinawa currently hosts 75 per cent of US military facilities in Japan

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NI 438 - Zero carbon world - December, 2010
‘We will be free!’ A Papuan in traditional dress demonstrates against the Indonesian occupation.Achmad Ibrahim/AP/Press Association Image

Indonesia’s Abu Ghraib

West Papuan freedom struggle gathers momentum.

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NI 438 - Zero carbon world - December, 2010

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
The changing face of masculinity July, 2011
Climate change denial May, 2011
China - makers of the miracle April, 2011
Up in arms March, 2011
Up in arms March, 2011
Zero carbon world December, 2010
Zero carbon world December, 2010
Zero carbon world December, 2010
World food crisis March, 1973
World food crisis March, 1973
World food crisis March, 1973
World food crisis March, 1973
World food crisis March, 1973
World food crisis March, 1973
World food crisis March, 1973
World food crisis March, 1973
World food crisis March, 1973
World food crisis March, 1973