As rich countries declare ‘ambition’ while racing to weaken the text, some climate justice campaigners are turning their backs on the COP21 negotiations and looking elsewhere for hope, reports Morgan Curtis.
Visiting Paris from Gambia, Saiba Suso explains the politics and euphemisms that climate negotiators use and that conceal how the talks impact lives.
Today, hundreds protested against oil sponsorship at the Louvre and ten were arrested. Jess Worth was in the thick of the action.
Last week, the sterile hallways at COP21 rang with the chants ‘1.5 to stay alive!' Morgan Curtis reports from Paris as climate talks enter their final week.
The oil producing giant blocked efforts in Paris to limit global warming to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels, Kyla Mandel and Brendan Montague report.
There is a diplomatic silence over carbon trading at COP21, but a Paris climate agreement could offer a lifeline to carbon ‘offsetting’ schemes, while new rules could help build a global carbon market, writes Oscar Reyes.
Following the British parliamentary vote to bomb Syria, Iraq War veteran and peace activist Shawna Foster explains how these kinds of military interventions are linked to fossil fuels and climate change.
Young delegates inside the Paris climate summit were frustrated that the media were ignoring key issues. So yesterday, they took matters into their own hands, Morgan Curtis reports.
A new global youth action network – the Climate Strike – was born in Paris this week. Marienna Pope-Weidemann and Samir Dathi were there to hear their plans.
While politicians drag their feet at climate summits, Jess Worth and Danny Chivers find hope in unexpected places.
Extremists have been making inroads across Europe with a sanitized version of some very dirty politics. K Biswas looks into the heart of the beast.
L’affaire Tarnac is a story little-followed outside of France. Horatio Morpurgo tracks down the collective – whose members have been accused by the police of terrorist activity – and explains why we should all be paying more attention.