Illustration: Sarah John

Time stops in Obo

Traumatized by the ravages of a violent militia, a town is still holding its breath. Ruby Diamonde visits.

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NI 475 - Gold trouble - September, 2014
Illustration: Sarah John

Heart still beating

Bangui’s main market is the pulse of the city. Ruby Diamonde goes shopping.

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NI 474 - Feminism fights back - July, 2014
Illustration by Sarah John.

Letter from Bangui: Our trespasses

A hold-up at the airport sets Ruby Diamonde to thinking about the state of siege under which Central Africans have to live.

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NI 473 - The politics of language loss - June, 2014
Sarah John

Letter from Bangui: Unfinished business

Ruby Diamonde visits the Ba-aka forest people to find out about the impact of missionaries.

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NI 472 - Organ trafficking - May, 2014
Western journalists rarely mention anything about hope, resilience or, dare I say it, even joy, in Central African Republic.

Letter from Bangui: Writing off Central Africa

Violence is only part of the country’s story, as Ruby Diamonde would like to remind Western journalists.

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NI 470 - Commodities - the pitfalls of resource wealth - March, 2014

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Gold trouble September, 2014
Feminism fights back July, 2014
The politics of language loss June, 2014
Organ trafficking May, 2014
Commodities - the pitfalls of resource wealth March, 2014
Fracking - the gathering storm December, 2013
Argentina's challenge June, 2013