Illustration: Marc Roberts

Only Planet

Total AI, by Marc Roberts.

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NI 550 - Abortion - July, 2024
Top left: Forty years after the original Greenham Women’s Peace Camp was established, activists marched to the site ahead of the anniversary celebrations in September 2021. Commemorations also took place at Faslane this year, where a peace camp was established in 1982 and has continued to this day. Top right: the sign marking the entrance to the camp; Bottom right: an activist uses a stencil to mark slogans on a nearby road; Bottom left: activists participate in a ‘die-in’.Photos: Top left Maggie Sully/Alamy, all others Denise Laura Baker

Hear us roar

It’s 40 years since the establishment of peace camps at the British atomic weapons bases of Greenham Common and Faslane. Speaking to the women at the centre of four decades of resistance, Denise Laura Baker asks what keeps them going.

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NI 540 - Land rights - November, 2022
Bayard Rustin used his speech to connect the march with the civil rights movement. Photo: CND archive

CND reaches 60

Anniversary of The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.

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NI 511 - Humanitarianism under attack - April, 2018

Killer robots

We urgently need to slam the brakes on automated violence. Noel Sharkey dispels some myths about the newest arms race. Illustrations by Simon Kneebone.

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NI 507 - Humans vs robots - November, 2017
Gaza, February 2007.Photo by Marcin Monko

Universalizing environmental and human rights

As UN special rapporteur on the right to a healthy environment presents his report today, Doug Weir explains why this is especially important in armed conflict.

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NI 490 - Blood brothers - Saudi Arabia and the West - March, 2016
Illustration: Sarah John

Letter from Bangui

Peacekeeping without peacebuilding is doomed to fail, says Ruby Diamonde.

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NI 479 - Democracy in the digital era - January, 2015
The charm fades

The charm fades

Pakistani physicist Pervez Hoodbhoy explores his country’s rocky relationship with nukes.

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NI 412 - Dropping the bomb - June, 2008


Anti-nuke action across the world

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NI 412 - Dropping the bomb - June, 2008
Survivor: Nagasaki bomb victim Sumiteru Taniguchi looks at a photo of himself taken in 1945. His horrific burns have required 17 operations.

Nuclear weapons: a history

From the Manhattan Project and Hiroshima, to the Cold War, North Korea and beyond, nuclear fission has changed everything.

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NI 412 - Dropping the bomb - June, 2008
Speaking truth to power: a protester makes her point before being bundled out of a US Senate hearing on the Iraq war.Photo: Jonathan Ernst / Reuters

Talking warheads

What are the West’s weapons actually for? asks Paul Rogers.

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NI 412 - Dropping the bomb - June, 2008
Road block: the Spanish group covered themselves in paint before blockading the base.Photo: Co Nscien Tious Objection Movement

Trident tested

Activist Angie Zelter celebrates a year-long blockade of Britain’s weapons of mass destruction.

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NI 412 - Dropping the bomb - June, 2008


Wayward warheads, mid-air collisions and dangerous detonations.

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NI 412 - Dropping the bomb - June, 2008

Nuclear weapons - the facts

There are over 27,000 nuclear weapons in the world. Thousands are deployed on land, at sea and in the air, posing the constant threat of nuclear war and radioactive contamination.

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NI 412 - Dropping the bomb - June, 2008
Illustration: Nick Purser

The bomb stops here

With nuclear weapons multiplying again, now is the time to seize the moment and ban them, argues Jess Worth.

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NI 412 - Dropping the bomb - June, 2008

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Abortion July, 2024
Land rights November, 2022
Humanitarianism under attack April, 2018
Humans vs robots November, 2017
Blood brothers - Saudi Arabia and the West March, 2016
Democracy in the digital era January, 2015
Dropping the bomb June, 2008
Dropping the bomb June, 2008
Dropping the bomb June, 2008
Dropping the bomb June, 2008
Dropping the bomb June, 2008
Dropping the bomb June, 2008
Dropping the bomb June, 2008
Dropping the bomb June, 2008