Frida revisionism

Frida revisionism

Report from The Americas by Alessio Perrone.

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NI 512 - Public ownership rises again - May, 2018

And finally... Nahko

US singer-songwriter Nahko shares his experience of psychedelics, human trafficking and turning pain into positivity, with Graeme Green.

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NI 510 - Black Lives Matter - March, 2018
Donald Trump greets workers on a tour of Carrier Corporation in Indianapolis, Indiana on 1 December 2016. Photo: Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images

When ‘America First’ is a corporate scam

A year ago, Trump announced he had reached a deal with manufacturer Carrier to keep jobs from moving to Mexico – with $7 million in incentives. Yet hundreds of workers were still laid off, the last of them this January. Trump’s policy should be called ‘Corporate America First’, argues Mark Engler.

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NI 510 - Black Lives Matter - March, 2018
Photo: Adam Patterson

'The goal should be to encourage people to think for themselves'

Noam Chomsky is a renowned linguist, the author of an abundance of books and arguably the most famous dissident intellectual in the United States. He talks to Andy Heintz about US exceptionalism, the best way to approach North Korea and the truth about ‘free trade agreements’.

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NI 510 - Black Lives Matter - March, 2018
Sean Spicer, Donald Trump’s first Press Secretary.Photo: Donkey Hotey

The rebranding of a rotter

Sean Spicer, Trump’s first Press Secretary, lied from the very beginning of the new presidency. We shouldn’t let him whitewash himself with showbiz, writes Steve Parry

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NI 509 - What's left for the young? - January, 2018
Illicit crops are still the only option for farmers like Arnulfo Perdomo.Photo: Shahidul Alam/DRIK

War on coca farmers continues

Inside the deeply-rooted economy of cocaine production and trafficking in Colombia, and how it might undermine Colombia’s peace. Bram Ebus reports.

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NI 509 - What's left for the young? - January, 2018
Dolores Huerta, mobilizing farm workers in 1960s US.

Mixed Media: Film

Dolores directed by Peter Bratt; Félicité directed and co-written by Alain Gomis.

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NI 508 - Clampdown! Criminalizing dissent - December, 2017

The dangerous dignity of war

Mark Engler asks why it only takes a bit of a bomb-dropping and sabre-rattling to rally the reporters and bestow a presidential aura on our leaders.

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NI 507 - Humans vs robots - November, 2017
A vigil is held in front of a statue of Confederate general Albert Pike in Washington, DC on 13 August 2017.Photo: Salwan Georges/The Washington Post/Getty Images

Down with America’s racist monuments

Taking down monuments to people who fought to defend slavery should not be controversial at all. Yet in the US today, it is, writes Mark Engler

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NI 506 - Brazil's soft coup - October, 2017
Oregon trumps the Fed

Oregon trumps the Fed

The state of Oregon has expanded access to abortion, birth control and post-natal medical care for women, writes Amy Hall

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NI 506 - Brazil's soft coup - October, 2017
Education by e-book? A teacher and her class at low-cost private school  Bridge in Mpigi, Uganda.Photo: Jon Rosenthal/Alamy

Between a shark and the deep sea

Can a US chain of profit-making schools really help the poor? Patience Akumu reports on the impact of Bridge academies in Uganda.

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NI 505 - Bad Education - September, 2017
Trump and the Left may agree about TPP and NAFTA – but not for the same reason or with a shared vision for the future.Photo: Scott Audette/Reuters

The right way to rewrite NAFTA

What is an internationalist to make of Donald J Trump’s vow to blow up the North American Free Trade Agreement? Mark Engler asks.

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NI 503 - Homelessness - June, 2017
US migrants show their power

US migrants show their power

The rules of the game changed in the United States last month on 1 May when people experienced a taste of what life was like on ‘a Day without Immigrants’, Marienna Pope-Weidemann writes.

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NI 503 - Homelessness - June, 2017
Photo: Iris Gonzales

Homeless voices from around the world

Civil war, mental illness, poverty, gang violence: housing insecurity has many roots.

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NI 503 - Homelessness - June, 2017
Photo: MediaPunch Inc/Alamy Stock Photo

Worldbeaters: Steve Bannon

Donald Trump's right-hand man is at the centre of global power. And he's dangerous.

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NI 502 - West Papua - Freedom in sight? - May, 2017
Photo: Matthew Cherchio/Alamy Stock Photo

Boosting the backlash against Trump

Progressives have to try to maximize the liberatory potential of a growing discontent, says Mark Engler.

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NI 502 - West Papua - Freedom in sight? - May, 2017

Open Window

Pedro X Molina from Nicaragua with ‘American Honeymoon’.

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NI 501 - Populism rises again - April, 2017
An activist protests in front of the US-Mexican border fence.Photo: Jim West/Alamy Stock Photo

When sanctuary is resistance

In the United States in the 1980s, the simple act of providing refuge became a form of civil disobedience, writes Mark Engler.

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NI 501 - Populism rises again - April, 2017

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Public ownership rises again May, 2018
Humanitarianism under attack April, 2018
Black Lives Matter March, 2018
Black Lives Matter March, 2018
Black Lives Matter March, 2018
What's left for the young? January, 2018
What's left for the young? January, 2018
Clampdown! Criminalizing dissent December, 2017
Humans vs robots November, 2017
Brazil's soft coup October, 2017
Brazil's soft coup October, 2017
Bad Education September, 2017
The Equality Effect July, 2017
Homelessness June, 2017
Homelessness June, 2017
Homelessness June, 2017
West Papua - Freedom in sight? May, 2017
West Papua - Freedom in sight? May, 2017
Populism rises again April, 2017
Populism rises again April, 2017