Nobody is 'normal'

Jody Mcintyre speaks to comedian Francesca Martinez about growing up 'wobbly' and resisting austerity in Britain.

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NI 467 - Time to rethink disability - November, 2013
Faces of dissent: revolutionary graffiti in Cairo.Jubilee Debt Campaign

Fight debt: altogether now!

Debt is used to break nations. But resistance is fertile – and the North could learn a few lessons from the South, argues Nick Dearden.

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NI 464 - Debt - a global scam - July, 2013
It’s party time!

It’s party time!

Steve Parry on the similarities between party politics and enforced group celebration and why the Left has a thirst for something different.

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NI 463 - Argentina's challenge - June, 2013
Access to the river is important for spiritual, environmental and local recreational reasons.Vanessa Baird

A clash of dreams

Indigenous Argentineans, disrespected and ignored for too long, are forging new alliances in their quest to safeguard the natural world.

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NI 463 - Argentina's challenge - June, 2013
‘Welcome readers’ - Miriam at possibly the world’s most unusual book publisher, Eloisa Cartonera. Photo: Julio Etcharty

Argentina’s challenge

Stormy time ahead in the world’s largest country. Are there lessons to be learned? asks Vanessa Baird.

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NI 463 - Argentina's challenge - June, 2013
Resisting evictions Spanish style

Resisting evictions Spanish style

The fallout the property bubble is mass homelessness. Melissa García Lamarca records how public anger has galvanized the movement for housing justice.

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NI 461 - Demolition job - April, 2013
Youth rising

Youth rising

Young people are playing a vital role in a sweeping wave of dissent, says Jody McIntyre.

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NI 456 - Youth rising - October, 2012
Building protest in Sudan

Building protest in Sudan

Magdi el Gizouli offers a low down on the range of groups challenging the regime of President al-Bashir.

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NI 455 - Illegal drugs - September, 2012
The gloves are off

The gloves are off

The authorities are cracking down on dissent in Russia, writes Victor Sonkin.

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NI 455 - Illegal drugs - September, 2012
The legacy of forest defender Chut Wutty Samrang Pring/Files/Reuters

The legacy of forest defender Chut Wutty

Fran Lambrick on a community determined to protect its forest.

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NI 454 - Co-operatives - July, 2012
Activists outside a London
store award Nike the title
of ‘biggest cheat’ for using
exploited women workers
in its factories abroad.UK Feminista

Feminists target Nike ahead of the Olympics

Nick Harvey reports on a campaign to expose sportswear firms who exploit women workers while boasting Olympic values.

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NI 453 - Protection racket - June, 2012
Josie LongIdil Sukan

Being nice and doing good

Having opinions on social justice may seem like common sense so why does it incite people to shout in your face? wonders Josie Long.

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NI 451 - Adapt or die - April, 2012
An Occupy Wall Street demonstrator
is arrested by New York City police.Mike Segar / Reuters

Brute forces: a year of rough injustice

On the International Day Against Police Brutality, Nick Harvey looks back on a busy year for out-of-control officers.

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NI 450 - Time for a fair economy - March, 2012
Why America's 99% have rebelled Photo by David Shankbone under a CC Licence

Why America's 99% have rebelled

The majority has had enough, says Mark Engler.

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NI 448 - The arms trade - December, 2011
VIDEO: ‘The banks have taken over democracy’

VIDEO: ‘The banks have taken over democracy’

New Internationalist editor Vanessa Baird dissects the financial crisis at Occupy London’s Tent City University.

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NI 448 - The arms trade - December, 2011

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Time to rethink disability November, 2013
Where have all the girls gone? October, 2013
Debt - a global scam July, 2013
Argentina's challenge June, 2013
Argentina's challenge June, 2013
Argentina's challenge June, 2013
Argentina's challenge June, 2013
Demolition job April, 2013
Youth rising October, 2012
Illegal drugs September, 2012
Illegal drugs September, 2012
Co-operatives July, 2012
Protection racket June, 2012
Mental health May, 2012
Mental health May, 2012
Adapt or die April, 2012
Time for a fair economy March, 2012
Time for a fair economy March, 2012
The arms trade December, 2011
The arms trade December, 2011