Illustration: Andrew Kokotka

Whose truth is it anyway?

Swallowing the lies – or ‘alternative facts’ – of populist politicians is having profound consequences. NJ Enfield takes a fresh look at a potent old tradition – and suggests a way forward.

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NI 501 - Populism rises again - April, 2017
Photo: Gage Skidmore/Alamy Stock Photo

Worldbeaters: Donald Trump

Ego? Tick. Money? Tick. Power-hungry? Tick. A disaster for the world? Tick.

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NI 499 - African village - January, 2017
Clockwise from top left: FSLN supporters celebrate the 37th anniversary of the Sandinista revolution on 19 July 2016; fruits and vegetables grow well in Nicaragua’s tropical climate; despite harsh criticism, Rosario Murillo’s ‘trees of life’ (see main story) have multiplied over the past three years; separating rice grains from chaff is often children’s job in indigenous communities; Miskito people use artisanal methods to extract gold from rivers and mountains on the Caribbean coast.Photos: top left, Alex McDougall; all others Mira Galanova.

Country profile: Nicaragua

Mira Galanova uncovers a country at a crossroads.

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NI 499 - African village - January, 2017
Open Window - A little extreme

Open Window - A little extreme

Shouldn't we have learnt from the past? A cartoon by Dom Nelson from Australia.

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NI 499 - African village - January, 2017
Photo: Brian D. Bumby/Alamy Stock Photo

Trump can be beaten because he is the Establishment

We must respond with a genuine vision for ending the corrupt politics of privilege, writes Mark Engler.

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NI 499 - African village - January, 2017
Trudeau Trumped

Trudeau Trumped

Richard Swift considers the Trump effect on Canada's prime minister.

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NI 499 - African village - January, 2017
Relatives mourn a person killed by Manila police for alleged drug involvement.Photo: Jes Aznar

Duterte's bloody war continues apace

Iris Gonzales reflects on the Philippine president's controversial war on drugs.

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NI 499 - African village - January, 2017

Building a better media

Hazel Healy on how independent outlets are gaining traction.

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NI 499 - African village - January, 2017

An Audience with the Chief

Former military pilot François Moné has taken on the traditional role of Chief. He explains how he is using this to pursue the development of the village.

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NI 499 - African village - January, 2017
Clockwise from top left: A song-and-dance group prepare to perform at a church in the Mingkaman camp for internally displaced people (IdPs), which has often held as many as 100,000 people during the conflicts of the past few years; villagers in Unity State in the north watch a plane drop sacks of food aid; the boys looking after African-longhorned cattle are also from the Mingkaman camp, in Lakes State; the dinka women drumming have just had a training session aimed at making them aware that gender-based violence is a crime; Amer Agoot is pictured at the river port of Bor, having been forced to flee an IdP camp when men invaded her hut and robbed her of the little she had left.Photos: Andrew McConnell / Panos Pictures.

Country profile: South Sudan

Eleanor Hobhouse considers the state of Africa's newest nation, five years after independence.

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NI 498 - The coming war on China - December, 2016
Bernie, before and after

Bernie, before and after

The US presidential election is near but young people and grassroots activists have their eyes set on long term transformation. John Tarleton reports.

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NI 497 - Peace in Colombia? Hope and fears - November, 2016

Country profile: The Bahamas

Kelsi Farrington on the truth behind the holiday-brochure image.

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NI 494 - Smiley-faced monopolists - July, 2016
Photo: Aimee Neat

The pantomime plebiscite

Why couldn't the Conservatives have picked a different issue over which to launch their proxy war? asks Steve Parry.

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NI 494 - Smiley-faced monopolists - July, 2016
Anti-corruption protesters in Kuala Lumpur. Embezzlement and deceit are rife among Malaysia’s ruling elite.Photo: Alexandra Radu

The gathering storm

Nithin Coca reports on Malaysia’s slide towards authoritarianism.

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NI 494 - Smiley-faced monopolists - July, 2016
Hilda Farfante was five years old when Franco’s henchmen killed her parents, whose pictures hang on the wall behind her.Photo: Mira Galanova

Franco's ghosts

The dictator’s victims are still waiting to see their torturers on trial – and time is running out. By Mira Galanova.

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NI 494 - Smiley-faced monopolists - July, 2016
Illustration by Livio Fania

Can search engine rankings swing elections?

Research psychologist Robert Epstein on how the new technologies invisibly shape public opinion – and what we must do about it.

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NI 494 - Smiley-faced monopolists - July, 2016
Illustration: Sarah John

The most forgotten

Ruby Diamonde travels to the bush in search of an answer to a difficult question.

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NI 493 - Love in the time of Ebola - June, 2016

Country profile: Ecuador

Greg Wilpert reports on a country diverse in geography, politics and people.

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NI 493 - Love in the time of Ebola - June, 2016
In a world where transnationals have more clout than many countries, the David and Goliath story has been turned on its head and power rests with companies.

Illustration: Fanatic Studio/Alamy Stock Photo

Big Davids, small Goliaths

How new trade deals – and Investor-State Dispute Settlements in particular – are giving more power to companies to sue countries for lost profits.

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NI 493 - Love in the time of Ebola - June, 2016

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Populism rises again April, 2017
African village January, 2017
African village January, 2017
African village January, 2017
African village January, 2017
African village January, 2017
African village January, 2017
African village January, 2017
African village January, 2017
African village January, 2017
The coming war on China December, 2016
Peace in Colombia? Hope and fears November, 2016
Smiley-faced monopolists July, 2016
Smiley-faced monopolists July, 2016
Smiley-faced monopolists July, 2016
Smiley-faced monopolists July, 2016
Smiley-faced monopolists July, 2016
Love in the time of Ebola June, 2016
Love in the time of Ebola June, 2016
Love in the time of Ebola June, 2016