Is hell really other people? Vanessa Baird concludes with some sobering facts and reflections on equality.
Facts and figures on bees, honey & the food connection.
Facts and figures about the planet's thermostat.
Facts and figures about China’s growth and what it costs.
How free-market fundamentalism brought the world to its knees
There is a bigger gulf in experience between the Global North and the Global South in maternal death rates than there is on any other human development measure. The average lifetime risk of maternal death in the rich world is 1 in 8,000, compared with 1 in 850 in developing countries and 1 in 450 in least developed countries.
Climate change is causing human suffering all over the world and it's the poorest of the poor who are going to be worst hit.
The increase in global food prices may have temporarily stalled but food is expected to remain at record price levels for the foreseeable future. Industrial agriculture’s chickens have come home to roost. But the price is being paid not by agribusiness and food retailers but by small farmers whose income remains low, and by the millions being pushed into malnutrition.
The basics, conflict, aid & social equality in Afghanistan.
The measure of just tax is the ability to pay. The world’s tax system today is unjust, shifting the burden from rich to poor – and failing altogether to address the green agenda. Here are the facts and figures.
Everything you ever wanted to know about toilets.
Article title | From magazine | Publication date |
The missing pieces | Too many of us? The population panic. | January, 2010 |
ISLAM - people and politics | Islam in power | October, 2009 |
The Bees' Knees - The Facts | Where have all the Bees gone? | September, 2009 |
The Arctic climate | Surviving change in the Arctic | July, 2009 |
On the world’s factory floor | China in charge | June, 2009 |
Meltdown - The FACTS | Put people first | April, 2009 |
Maternal Mortality - The Facts | Mothers who die | March, 2009 |
Climate Justice - The Facts | Climate justice | January, 2009 |
Food Crisis - The Facts | Crisis! Crisis! Food... Money... What next? | December, 2008 |
Afghanistan - The Facts | Through Afghan eyes | November, 2008 |
Tax Injustice – the facts | Wanted! For dodging tax justice | October, 2008 |
Plastic is forever | Drowning in plastic | September, 2008 |
Toilets - The Facts | We need to think about toilets | August, 2008 |