Housing - THE FACTS

Prices through the roof, a gaping deficit, homelessness, one billion in slums and an urban takeover.

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NI 461 - Demolition job - April, 2013
The Facts

The Facts

World progress 1970-2010

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NI 460 - What has development done for me? - March, 2013
That's rich - The FACTS

That's rich - The FACTS

In spite of global financial crisis, the numbers of super-rich people in the world has grown - and so have their fortunes.

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NI 459 - The feral rich - January, 2013
Digital freedoms – THE FACTS

Digital freedoms – THE FACTS

Who’s online where, who has your data and how much are they spending to get it?

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NI 458 - Internet showdown - December, 2012
Healthcare and inequality - THE FACTS

Healthcare and inequality - THE FACTS

A matter of life and death: the contrasting rates of mortality, access to medicine and care across the globe.

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NI 457 - Bad medicine - November, 2012
Youth – The FACTS

Youth – The FACTS

This infographic takes a closer look at the contrasting lives of the 1.2 billion young people aged 15-24 worldwide.

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NI 456 - Youth rising - October, 2012
Illegal drugs - THE FACTS

Illegal drugs - THE FACTS

The demand for illegal drugs is solid and the trade in them resilient - in spite of expensive and punitive attempts to stop it.

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NI 455 - Illegal drugs - September, 2012
How co-ops are building a better world - THE FACTS

How co-ops are building a better world - THE FACTS

Co-ops offer an alternative way of doing business where profits are enjoyed collectively, not just by a small group of shareholders. They can be small, local businesses or huge global companies.

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NI 454 - Co-operatives - July, 2012
Mental health: the facts

Mental health: the facts

Prevalence, provision, dangerousness and discrimination-related figures for mental illness worldwide: a zoomable infographic.

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NI 452 - Mental health - May, 2012
The Facts

The Facts

Why climate change poses a major threat for Bangladesh.

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NI 451 - Adapt or die - April, 2012

A roadmap for a fair economy

Here's how to get from where we are to where we want to be...

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NI 450 - Time for a fair economy - March, 2012

Arms trade infographic

The 'war on terror' saw the west splurge its peace dividend in a frenzy of arms spending. Check out some astonishing facts and figures...

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NI 448 - The arms trade - December, 2011

Pakistan - the facts

An infographic covering population, religion, quality of life and more.

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NI 445 - Pakistan - daring to hope - September, 2011

Corporate Influence - The Facts

The facts and figures of party funding, lobbying and the big names involved.

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NI 439 - Who's pushing politicians' buttons? - January, 2011

The need for zero – The Facts

The facts and figures of energy emission, consumption and reduction.

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NI 438 - Zero carbon world - December, 2010
Seeds of Medicago polymorpha (Toothed Bur Clover), native of the Mediterranean, now more widespread, help fix nitrogen in the soil.

Seeds - the facts

There are almost half a million known plant species, and more still to be discovered. Yet we now rely on just 15 to provide 90 per cent of our food crops.

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NI 435 - Seed savers - September, 2010
US Border Patrol agent looking across into Mexico. Photo: Rick Wilking / REUTERS

Deportation in numbers

The facts and figures of deportation around the world.

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NI 433 - Deported! What happened next? - June, 2010
Iraqi households not connected to general water network16

Post-invasion Iraq - the facts

Twelve years of sanctions and seven years of occupation have taken their toll as Iraqis struggle with wrecked infrastructure and continuing insecurity.

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NI 432 - Iraq - seven years later - May, 2010

Shipwreck - the facts

The facts about globalization, world trade, unemployment, economic activity and the bailouts.

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NI 430 - Globalization on the rocks - March, 2010

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Demolition job April, 2013
What has development done for me? March, 2013
The feral rich January, 2013
Internet showdown December, 2012
Bad medicine November, 2012
Youth rising October, 2012
Illegal drugs September, 2012
Co-operatives July, 2012
Mental health May, 2012
Adapt or die April, 2012
Time for a fair economy March, 2012
The arms trade December, 2011
Pakistan - daring to hope September, 2011
Who's pushing politicians' buttons? January, 2011
Zero carbon world December, 2010
A wake-up call for democracy October, 2010
Seed savers September, 2010
Deported! What happened next? June, 2010
Iraq - seven years later May, 2010
Globalization on the rocks March, 2010