Facts - Mind the technology gap

Technology can be a big enabler – yet the difference in terms of what’s available to rich and poor is vast.

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NI 492 - Technology justice - May, 2016
Forest facts

Forest facts

Facts and figures about trees and forests, from carbon control to biodiversity.

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NI 491 - Last stand - Saving the world's forests - April, 2016

Saudi Arabia – The Facts

The key facts you need to know about the country's people, environment, oil economy, human rights and more.

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NI 490 - Blood brothers - Saudi Arabia and the West - March, 2016

Fossil fuel reserves - the facts

What we have, and what we can afford to burn.

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NI 487 - Paris climate summit - November, 2015

Transgender – the facts

This New Internationalist fact spread looks the number of trans people around the world, the violence and discrimination they face, health, education, work, legal protections and vulnerabilities.

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NI 486 - The transgender revolution - October, 2015

Syrian conflict - the facts

The death toll, political prisoners and timeline of the Syrian civil war.

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NI 485 - Syria’s good guys - Inside a forgotten revolution - September, 2015
Banks - the facts

Banks - the facts

The megabanks and the mega-bonuses... facts and figures you should know.

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NI 482 - Global banking now - May, 2015
Democracy in the digital era - The Facts

Democracy in the digital era - The Facts

The internet, laws and conventions, mass surveillance, media freedom and censorship - facts and figures about democracy in the digital era.

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NI 479 - Democracy in the digital era - January, 2015
Gold production in tonnes, 2011 1

Gold - the facts

Where does it come from? Who buys it? What do they do with it? What do they do with it? And the impacts of it.

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NI 475 - Gold trouble - September, 2014
The Gender Inequality Index is a composite measure that reflects inequality, reproductive health, empowerment and the labour market.

Feminism - The Facts

Facts for feminists - the twists and turns along the road to equality.

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NI 474 - Feminism fights back - July, 2014
Languages - THE FACTS

Languages - THE FACTS

There are between 5,000 and 7,000 languages in use today, but every fortnight one of them goes extinct.

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NI 473 - The politics of language loss - June, 2014
Commodities and dependency - The Facts

Commodities and dependency - The Facts

The facts and figures of commodities and our dependence on them.

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NI 470 - Commodities - the pitfalls of resource wealth - March, 2014

Detaining migrants - The Facts

The facts and figures on the movement, freedom, costs and damage of detaining migrants around the world.

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NI 469 - Why are we locking up migrants? - January, 2014

What the frack...?

The fracking process explained visually.

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NI 468 - Fracking - the gathering storm - December, 2013

Disability - the facts

The types, causes, prevention and other facts on disability.

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NI 467 - Time to rethink disability - November, 2013

Missing girls - the facts

Facts and figures on the missing girls of the world.

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NI 466 - Where have all the girls gone? - October, 2013

Debt – The Facts

At any given time countries both owe debts and have them owing to them. Who owes what and what's the bigger crisis – foreign or domestic debt.

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NI 464 - Debt - a global scam - July, 2013

Land Grabs - The Facts

Big land deals are forcing people from their homes and damaging livelihoods.

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NI 462 - Land grabs - May, 2013

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Technology justice May, 2016
Last stand - Saving the world's forests April, 2016
Blood brothers - Saudi Arabia and the West March, 2016
Paris climate summit November, 2015
The transgender revolution October, 2015
Syria’s good guys - Inside a forgotten revolution September, 2015
Global banking now May, 2015
Total control - is Monsanto unstoppable? April, 2015
Democracy in the digital era January, 2015
Gold trouble September, 2014
Feminism fights back July, 2014
The politics of language loss June, 2014
Commodities - the pitfalls of resource wealth March, 2014
Why are we locking up migrants? January, 2014
Fracking - the gathering storm December, 2013
Time to rethink disability November, 2013
Where have all the girls gone? October, 2013
How the war on pirates became big business September, 2013
Debt - a global scam July, 2013
Land grabs May, 2013