Digital freedoms – THE FACTS

Digital freedoms – THE FACTS

Who’s online where, who has your data and how much are they spending to get it?

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NI 458 - Internet showdown - December, 2012
Tom KocherryRichard Swift

Tom Kocherry: fisher for justice

The 71-year-old legend of social movement politics in India shows no signs of slowing down, as Richard Swift discovers.

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NI 452 - Mental health - May, 2012
Country Profile: Guatemala

Country Profile: Guatemala

The country's unequal wealth distribution and rapid population growth have made it one of the poorest in Latin America, writes Anna-Claire Bevan.

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NI 452 - Mental health - May, 2012
Eritrea's wretched independence

Eritrea's wretched independence

The country's 30-year war with Ethiopia has been followed by 21 years of repression, says Saleh 'Gadi' Johar.

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NI 452 - Mental health - May, 2012
Josie LongIdil Sukan

Being nice and doing good

Having opinions on social justice may seem like common sense so why does it incite people to shout in your face? wonders Josie Long.

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NI 451 - Adapt or die - April, 2012
Map of Zambia

Country profile: Zambia

Mary Namakando digs out facts and ratings on one of Southern Africa's most politically stable countries and probes President Sata's grapple with corruption.

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NI 451 - Adapt or die - April, 2012
Adonis, Arab poet, critic and thinker.Photo: Torstein Blixfjord. Artwork: Untitled, 2011, mixed media on paper, by Adonis.

A word with Adonis

One of the greatest Arab poets of our time speaks to Giedre Steikunaite about creativity and consciousness.

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NI 451 - Adapt or die - April, 2012
Obama's broken resolutions Wonderlane Under a CC Licence

Obama's broken resolutions

Unfulfilled promises may come back to haunt Obama this election year, says Mark Engler.

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NI 450 - Time for a fair economy - March, 2012
A sign of hope? US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited Burma – and Aung San Suu Kyi – in November 2011.Saul Loeb / Pool / Reuters

Are Burma’s reforms for real?

Changes in Burma over the past year have been astounding, but as the country celebrates 64 years of independence, its people remain far from free.

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NI 449 - Haiti two years on - January, 2012
Fighting for freedom: in 2005, journalists
felt able to voice their concerns – here,
at a gathering to celebrate World Press
Freedom Day. Now, fear of reprisals is
silencing many of them.Stringer/Reuters

Malawi battles for press freedom

In Malawi fear of reprisals silences journalists over press freedom.

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NI 449 - Haiti two years on - January, 2012
Is the European Union damaging to democratic rights?

Is the European Union damaging to democratic rights?

Anti-poverty campaigner John Hilary and politics professor Carlos Closa go head-to-head - read their arguments and join the debate.

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NI 449 - Haiti two years on - January, 2012
A protester in West Papua, face painted with the ‘Morning Star’ flag.Photo by Alexander P.

West Papuans mark bitter-sweet ‘independence’ day

It's 50 years since West Papua first won independence, only for Indonesia to cruelly snatch it away. Nick Harvey reports on the tensions in the region.

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NI 448 - The arms trade - December, 2011
A hard-line look: an English Defence League supporter wears contact lenses sporting the St George cross – a symbol for some of white supremacy. Paul Hackett / Reuters

Eyes to the far right

Extremists have been making inroads across Europe with a sanitized version of some very dirty politics. K Biswas looks into the heart of the beast.

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NI 443 - The far right gets respectable - June, 2011
The best influence money can buy - the 10 Worst Corporate Lobbyists

The best influence money can buy - the 10 Worst Corporate Lobbyists

Dirty cash and dirty tricks – our rogues’ gallery of lobbyists who get governments to dance to their tune.

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NI 439 - Who's pushing politicians' buttons? - January, 2011
McDonalds promote a ‘new healthy diet and exercise campaign’. There’s big bucks in obesity for PR firms lobbying to water down regulations on junk food advertising to children.Jeff Christensen / Reuters

In the halls of shame

Who shapes the policies and laws that govern us? If you think the answer is ‘our elected politicians’, read on. Vanessa Baird examines the secretive but expanding power of corporate lobbying.

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NI 439 - Who's pushing politicians' buttons? - January, 2011
There may be trouble ahead… President Obama in pensive mood.Ron Sachs / ABACA USA / Empics Entertainment

We need to bust the pendulum, not see how it swings!

Our new columnist Mark Engler considers the impact of the US midterm elections.

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NI 437 - Humans vs. Nature - November, 2010
Interview with Robert Fisk: we preach democracy yet befriend dictators Robert Fisk

Interview with Robert Fisk: we preach democracy yet befriend dictators

We only have ourselves to blame for the Middle East's cynicism, says Robert Fisk.

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NI 436 - A wake-up call for democracy - October, 2010

We don't really have a democracy

Tony Benn, Caroline Lucas MP and Agent Bristly Pioneer reflect on this year's UK election

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NI 436 - A wake-up call for democracy - October, 2010

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
How the war on pirates became big business September, 2013
Internet showdown December, 2012
Mental health May, 2012
Mental health May, 2012
Mental health May, 2012
Adapt or die April, 2012
Adapt or die April, 2012
Adapt or die April, 2012
Time for a fair economy March, 2012
Time for a fair economy March, 2012
Haiti two years on January, 2012
Haiti two years on January, 2012
Haiti two years on January, 2012
The arms trade December, 2011
The far right gets respectable June, 2011
Who's pushing politicians' buttons? January, 2011
Who's pushing politicians' buttons? January, 2011
Humans vs. Nature November, 2010
A wake-up call for democracy October, 2010
A wake-up call for democracy October, 2010