Rivers of Meeting

In Brazil, young indigenous women are reconnecting with their African roots and finding ways to intervene in the violence that targets their community.

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NI 510 - Black Lives Matter - March, 2018

Black Lives - THE FACTS

The impacts of racism can be seen in almost all aspects of everyday life. Black and indigenous people are more likely to be jailed or unemployed – that’s if they make it past childhood.

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NI 510 - Black Lives Matter - March, 2018
A protester holds blood-stained images of government figures during a demonstration against the annulment of Law 180 in August 2017.Photo: James Brunker News / Alamy

Against mother nature

A highway project threatens indigenous peoples' reserves in Bolivia. Aldo Orellana Lopez reports.

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NI 508 - Clampdown! Criminalizing dissent - December, 2017
Protesters, including First Nations people, blocking the road to Adani’s Abbott Point coal port.Photo: Alex Bainbridge / Green Left Weekly

While the world’s largest coal mine gets the go ahead…

With the Great Barrier Reef and climate targets under threat, Tom Anderson and Eliza Egret explain why this mega mine matters to all of us.

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NI 508 - Clampdown! Criminalizing dissent - December, 2017
Indigenous rights activists after the ‘Unsettle Canada Day 150 Picnic’ in Toronto, Ontario. Photo: Mark Blinch / Reuters

No celebration of colonization

That is the demand of many First Nations people during Canada’s year-long jamboree to mark its 150th anniversary of confederation. Sian Griffiths reports.

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NI 506 - Brazil's soft coup - October, 2017
Indigenous people, set to be robbed of their land rights, took their protest to Brasilia – to be rebuffed by armed forces.Photo: Gregg Newton / Reuters

Grand land theft

Vanessa Baird writes on how agribusiness has mounted a coup against rural Brazilians.

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NI 506 - Brazil's soft coup - October, 2017
‘This is cultural genocide’

‘This is cultural genocide’

Indigenous communities in Colombia refuse to occupy an empty space in history, and believe their very cultural survival is at stake, reports Hazel Healy.

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NI 505 - Bad Education - September, 2017
Protectors vs pipelines

Protectors vs pipelines

The native-led resistance at Standing Rock has emphasized environmentalism of a different complexion than is typically associated with ecological activism in the United States, writes Mark Engler.

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NI 497 - Peace in Colombia? Hope and fears - November, 2016
Decolonization of Chagos?

Decolonization of Chagos?

Mauritian activists have for 45 years been calling for the closure of Diego Garcia and the right of return for Chagossians, Lindsey Collen reports.

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NI 497 - Peace in Colombia? Hope and fears - November, 2016
Photo: Roxana Olivera

'I will never give up my land'

Roxana Olivera talks to Goldman Environment Prize winner Máxima Acuña.

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NI 494 - Smiley-faced monopolists - July, 2016
Indigenous women in Peru still fear repercussions as they seek justice for the forced sterilizations they suffered two decades ago.Photo: Roxana Olivera

Against their will

Roxana Olivera meets indigenous women in Peru who are still waiting for justice, two decades after being forcibly sterilized.

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NI 493 - Love in the time of Ebola - June, 2016
'D12' day of action, Paris, France, 12 December 2015.Photo: Yann Levy / 350.org under a Creative Commons Licence

Why we should feel positive about Paris

Though the deal was a dud, this was no Copenhagen, argue Jess Worth and Danny Chivers.

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NI 21 - Paris Climate Talks - COP21 - December, 2015
Jenni Laity, a Sámi women from Scandinavia, protesting in solidarity with other Indigenous people outside Total headquarters against tar sands and oil extraction.© Kristian Buus

Sámi grassroots fight for indigenous rights in Paris

The Sámi are the indigenous people of Northern Scandinavia and were in Paris with other indigenous to fight for climate justice. Ragnhild Freng Dale explains.

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NI 21 - Paris Climate Talks - COP21 - December, 2015
Stop forced closures!

Stop forced closures!

Amy Hall reports on the threat to remote communities in Australia.

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NI 484 - Capitalism is spinning out of control - July, 2015
Sámi's diamond win

Sámi's diamond win

Ragnhild Freng Dale on a recent win and the ongoing fight for recognition.

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NI 483 - Fundamentalism - Power, politics and persuasion - June, 2015
Dancing with big oil

Dancing with big oil

Ximena S Warnaars reports on an unprecedented agreement in Peru.

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NI 482 - Global banking now - May, 2015
Displaced by blood and fire

Displaced by blood and fire

Jess Worth joins the Dirty Oil Tour to highlight human rights abuses by mining companies.

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NI 479 - Democracy in the digital era - January, 2015
Photo: Roxana Olivera

‘Is this your fingerprint? Do you recognize it?’

Strange goings-on in the trial of indigenous protesters accused of killing police in Bagua. Roxana Olivera reports from the Peruvian Amazon.

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NI 478 - NGOs - Do they help? - December, 2014
Ko au te awa kote awa ko au.
I am the river, and the river is me.Maori proverb

An indivisible and living whole, from the mountains to the sea

A New Zealand river has been granted unprecedented legal rights after a century of Maori pressure. Jen Wilton reports.

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NI 475 - Gold trouble - September, 2014

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Black Lives Matter March, 2018
Black Lives Matter March, 2018
Clampdown! Criminalizing dissent December, 2017
Clampdown! Criminalizing dissent December, 2017
Brazil's soft coup October, 2017
Brazil's soft coup October, 2017
Bad Education September, 2017
Peace in Colombia? Hope and fears November, 2016
Peace in Colombia? Hope and fears November, 2016
Smiley-faced monopolists July, 2016
Love in the time of Ebola June, 2016
Paris Climate Talks - COP21 December, 2015
Paris Climate Talks - COP21 December, 2015
Capitalism is spinning out of control July, 2015
Fundamentalism - Power, politics and persuasion June, 2015
Global banking now May, 2015
Democracy in the digital era January, 2015
Democracy in the digital era January, 2015
NGOs - Do they help? December, 2014
Gold trouble September, 2014