‘People are very angry’. Canadian climate activist Jacob Pirro meets Paula Lacey to discuss being locked up for taking direct action, and what motivates him.
Anoosheh Ashoori, who spent more than four years arbitrarily imprisoned in Iran, speaks to Maxine Betteridge-Moes about his experiences in the notorious Evin prison.
Revolutionary conservation is at the heart of the Indigenous Karen struggle in southeast Myanmar, as activist Paul Sein Twa explains to Lital Khaikin.
Fatima Hassan took on South Africa’s AIDS denialism – and won. Later, she turned her attention to ‘vaccine apartheid’ in the Covid-19 pandemic. Conrad Landin meets her in Cape Town.
Surgeon Ghassan Abu-Sittah talks to Bethany Rielly about healthcare as resistance and his experiences in Gaza’s besieged hospitals.
Indian author Amitav Ghosh talks to Graeme Green about colonialism and the current opioid crisis.
Anna Scott speaks to Ghanaian activist Abiba Nibaradun about her motivation to stop the forced marriage of girls.
The outspoken artist and architect speaks to Subi Shah about what gets her fired up.
Marta Vidal speaks with the Palestinian militant about the role of violence in the struggle for a better world.
The Indian physicist and veteran food sovereignty activist speaks to Amy Hall about a lifetime of keeping smiling while fighting the lies of the ‘poison cartel’.
The 19-year-old climate activist is making her voice heard across South Africa and beyond. She speaks with Uyapo Majahana about climate anxiety, life lessons and getting beyond tokenism.
Frances Leach speaks to human rights activist Muhanned Qafesha about the life-and-death battle to defend his people’s land from illegal demolitions and settlements in Hebron, Palestine.
The Syrian-American architect and visual artist sits down with Louisa Waugh to discuss the power of nostalgia – and how his lifelong homesickness for Syria shapes his work.
Graeme Green speaks to the Indigenous activist about the dangerous fight to protect his people’s land from destructive mining in the Brazilian Amazon.
The Senegalese development economist speaks to Hazel Healy about monetary sovereignty, debt – and the perils of Afro-liberalism.
The Bulgarian director of the Balkan Free Media Initiative speaks to Jan Westad.
Graeme Green speaks to the Chilean author about her inspiration and the power of fiction as a useful history teacher.
A newly formed citizen’s grouping – Global Assembly – wants a snapshot of humanity to air its views directly to policymakers at this year’s UN climate conference. Amy Hall speaks to one of its organizers, Susan Nakyung Lee, about the limits and potential of democracy.
Brazil’s former leader is the frontrunner in polls for the 2022 presidential election, well ahead of Jair Bolsonaro.
What is the price of speaking out against China’s oppression of the Uyghur people? Sayragul Sauytbay, an ethnic Kazakh and Chinese national, talks to Alessio Perrone about being forced to teach propaganda in a concentration camp and fleeing to Kazakhstan.