KlimaSeniorinnen: Swiss retirees demonstrate outside the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg on Wednesday 29 March 2023.Photo: Jean-Francois Badias/AP Photo/Alamy

Temperature Check

Climate lawsuits take off. Words – Danny Chivers.

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NI 550 - Abortion - July, 2024
Illustration: Emma Peer

Agony Uncle

Ethical and political dilemmas abound these days. This month: Climate camp.

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NI 548 - South Africa 30 years later - March, 2024
Fossar Dabo, a physics teacher and environmental activist, after the discovery of a rosewood tree that had just been illegally cut down. Dabo and other volunteers founded the Green Sedhiou, an organization that denounces illegal timber trafficking at the Gambian border.Photo: Marco Simoncelli

Wood-fired war

The lush Casamance region of Senegal is home to a long running conflict between the state and an armed separatist movement. Tilda Kämmlein reports on how the illegal trade in timber is fuelling the strife and devastating the local environment.

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NI 547 - Climate capitalism - January, 2024
Greta Thunberg and Sahar Shirzad on stage at an Amsterdam march for climate justice on 12 November 2023. Thunberg was interrupted during her speech when she made a call for international solidarity.Photo: Robin Utrecht/ANP/Alamy

How to end eco-apartheid: disrupt, abolish, and repair

Ecological destruction has been fuelled by extraction and colonialism for hundreds of years, and green capitalism is no different. We need to dismantle the political and economic structures that maintain the status quo, argues Vijay Kolinjivadi.

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NI 547 - Climate capitalism - January, 2024
Trade colonialism, again

Trade colonialism, again

Luciana Ghiotto, Bettina Müller and Lucía Barcena examine how Europe’s attempts to secure the raw materials for green technologies are following a tried and tested path across the Global South.

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NI 547 - Climate capitalism - January, 2024
Transition mining

Transition mining

Nick Dowson looks at the figures.

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NI 547 - Climate capitalism - January, 2024
Kiruna church and town, Sweden, in 2016. The town is currently being relocated wholesale due to mining.Photo: Ragnar Th Sigurdsson/Alamy

‘Some things are priceless’

European authorities are trying to make sure they don’t get left empty handed in the new ‘green’ mineral rush. But are these policies simply ways to export harms to the Global South? Juliet Ferguson of Investigate Europe takes a look.

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NI 547 - Climate capitalism - January, 2024
The abandoned mining town of Ivittuut in the South West of Greenland.Photo: Carolyn Jenkins/Alamy

Held to ransom

A mining company wants to extract billions of dollars from Greenland’s government as compensation for a defeated rare earth mining project. Sebastian Skov Andersen reports on the case that’s divided the region.

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NI 547 - Climate capitalism - January, 2024
The Kentish Flats Offshore Wind Farm and Red Sands Maunsell Fort are seen in the mouth of the Thames Estuary, UK, behind walkers enjoying the evening sun.Photo: Avpics/Alamy

Tilting at windmills

Offshore wind will be vital to weaning our economies off fossil fuels. Nick Dowson explores its potential and warns of the circling sharks looking for profit.

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NI 547 - Climate capitalism - January, 2024
Green colonialism - The Facts

Green colonialism - The Facts

Green hydrogen and electricity access; Carbon Credits.

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NI 547 - Climate capitalism - January, 2024
Action & info

Action & info

Action, and further reading on climate capitalism.

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NI 547 - Climate capitalism - January, 2024
The Ouarzazate Solar Power Station in Morocco is one of the world’s largest solar power projects.Photo: Teresa Dapp/DPA/Alamy Live News

The El Dorado of energy

Amid the buzz surrounding green energy from the Arab world, Hamza Hamouchene sounds an alarm.

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NI 547 - Climate capitalism - January, 2024
An oil and gas drilling rig is towed past Teesside Offshore Wind farm off Redcar, North East England. The windfarm is operated by French state-owned energy company EDF.Photo: Alan Dawson/Alamy

Green face, old tricks

How can we prevent an unjust transition? As the clean economy gets into gear, Nick Dowson asks whether a market-focused, subsidies-led approach will just mean more of the same.

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NI 547 - Climate capitalism - January, 2024
People from the Waoraní Indigenous community attend an event promoting a ‘yes’ vote in a referendum on not extracting oil in Quito, Ecuador, on Monday 14 August 2023.Photo: AP Photo/Dolores Ochoa/Alamy

Temperature Check

‘A victory for life over capitalism’. How the people of Ecuador beat the oil giants and saved Yasuní National Park, by Danny Chivers.

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NI 546 - Spying on dissent - November, 2023
Mahammoud Traore, 75, supports a family of 21 people through farming in Dougouninkoro, Mali, but new weather patterns mean they can no longer harvest enough for their food stores to last the whole year.Photo: Jake Lyell/Alamy

Climate coups

Abdoulie Ceesay, Gambian representative to the COP28 climate summit, argues if the West wants to address the wave of coups in Africa, it must take real climate action – rather than pursuing further failed militarization.

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NI 546 - Spying on dissent - November, 2023
People queue to cross the La Digue River in Petit Goave, Haiti, following the collapse of a bridge during Hurricane Matthew which hit the island on 4 October 2016 and killed over 1,000 people.Photo: Andrew Mcconnell/Panos Pictures

Get up, pay up

Carlos Edill Berríos Polanco reports on the growing movement to get the Global North to cough up for its climate debt.

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NI 545 - Decolonize now - September, 2023
Illustration: Emma Peer

Agony Uncle

Ethical and political dilemmas abound these days. This month: Income vs ethics.

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NI 542 - A world to win - March, 2023
Hundreds of billboards and bus stops – like this one in Brighton, England – have been hacked by activists across Europe as part of the call to #BanFossilAds and stop greenwashing.Design: Noel Douglas. Installation: Brandalism

Temperature Check

Can we banish polluters from our billboards? Words by Danny Chivers.

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NI 537 - How we stop big oil - May, 2022
Banners wave at the opening ceremony of the People’s World Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth near Cochabamba, Bolivia, April 2010. The People’s Agreement signed at the conference called for the Global North to repay a ‘climate debt’ to the Majority World.Photo: Aizar Raldes/AFP via Getty Images

A global just transition

How can we phase out fossil fuels in a way that works for people everywhere? The historic Cochabamba People’s Agreement offers a way forward, argues Max Ajl.

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NI 537 - How we stop big oil - May, 2022
Fighting on all fronts. Samela, a 23-year-old activist from the Association of the Satere-Mawe Indigenous Women in Manaus, Amazonas in Brazil, co-ordinates the production of protective face masks.Photo: Raphael Alves/IMF/Creative Commons

Temperature check

Want to restore and protect the world’s forests? Then uphold the rights of the people who live in them, says Danny Chivers.

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NI 531 - Vaccine equality - May, 2021

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Abortion July, 2024
South Africa 30 years later March, 2024
Climate capitalism January, 2024
Climate capitalism January, 2024
Climate capitalism January, 2024
Climate capitalism January, 2024
Climate capitalism January, 2024
Climate capitalism January, 2024
Climate capitalism January, 2024
Climate capitalism January, 2024
Climate capitalism January, 2024
Climate capitalism January, 2024
Climate capitalism January, 2024
Spying on dissent November, 2023
Spying on dissent November, 2023
Decolonize now September, 2023
A world to win March, 2023
How we stop big oil May, 2022
How we stop big oil May, 2022
Vaccine equality May, 2021