A soldier’s story

A soldier’s story

Gopal Mitra experienced the violence and tragedy of Kashmir firsthand, but is hopeful of a peaceful future, as Jeremy Seabrook discovers.

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NI 431 - Bloody oil - shut down the tar sands! - April, 2010
Captive blue fin tuna inside a transport cage. The cage is being towed by a tug from fishing grounds in Libya to Tuna farms in Sicily.Photo by Gavin Newman / Greenpeace

The fall of King Tuna

The fate of our favourite fish hangs in the balance. Sara Holden and Greg McNevin explain what needs to be done to give it, and countless other ocean dwellers, a fighting chance.

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NI 431 - Bloody oil - shut down the tar sands! - April, 2010
Optimism in action as a Bolivian bus crosses a flooded high plain. M Rogers / UNEP / Still Pictures

To live...

New hope for international action on global warming has come from Bolivia, where President Evo Morales is convening a People’s World Conference on Climate Change. Vanessa Baird reports on a multifaceted initiative.

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NI 430 - Globalization on the rocks - March, 2010
The smile of solidarity: Rami (left) and Bassan.

Brothers in peace

Israeli Rami Elhanan and Palestinian Bassam Aramin forged an unlikely friendship through a terrible tragedy. They share their story.

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NI 429 - Too many of us? The population panic. - January, 2010
Marchers pass the Brazilian Congress in the capital Brasilia, May 2005.All photos by Gibby Zobel.

We are millions

The MST (Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra – Brazil’s landless people’s movement) – has been described as the world’s most dynamic social movement. Gibby Zobel joins in its 25th anniversary celebrations and explains why its existence is more important than ever.

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NI 428 - Welcome to Copenhagen! - December, 2009
Tarnac and the Echoes

Tarnac and the Echoes

L’affaire Tarnac is a story little-followed outside of France. Horatio Morpurgo tracks down the collective – whose members have been accused by the police of terrorist activity – and explains why we should all be paying more attention.

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NI 428 - Welcome to Copenhagen! - December, 2009
Friends embrace in the streets of Dhaka. Displays of male affection are common but homosexuality is considered unacceptable in Islamic Bangladesh.Photo: Rafiquarrahman / REUTERS

Love in a grey zone

In Bangladesh, homosexuality is illegal. Delwar Hussain talks to Suleman, a gay imam, about what this means for him and his partner.

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NI 427 - Terror takeover - November, 2009
Greening the law Illustration by: ANDREW WHEATLEY

Greening the law

The streets have traditionally been the home of environmental activism. But could campaigners be just as at home in the courtroom? Olly Zanetti considers the evidence.

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NI 426 - Islam in power - October, 2009
The family of a five-year-old killed during a raid by the Lao People's Army mourn at the child's grave. Thousands of Hmong, who fought or collaborated with the CIA until communists took over the country in 1975, remain hidden in the jungles of Laos. Photo by Tomas van Houtryve / Panos

Jungle orphans

Nick Harvey reports on the position of the Hmong – both inside Laos and the bleak refugee camps of Thailand.

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NI 425 - Where have all the Bees gone? - September, 2009
An internally displaced girl carries a pitcher of water in the Swat Valley.Stringer Pakistan / Reuters

Why Pakistan's Taliban win as they lose

Pakistan's army offensive has wrongfooted the Taliban. But the larger war of ideas has yet to be won. Pervez Hoodbhoy explains.

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NI 425 - Where have all the Bees gone? - September, 2009
Some call it ‘live aid’. Some call it  ‘dead aid’. The aid debate is raging.Photo by: SVEN TORFINN / PANOS

Boon or burden?

Some call it 'live aid'. Some call it 'dead aid'. The debate is raging. Vanessa Baird and Jonathan Glennie tell the story so far...

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NI 425 - Where have all the Bees gone? - September, 2009
The case for real aid

The case for real aid

Jonathan Glennie takes on both the aid optimists and the pessimists.

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NI 425 - Where have all the Bees gone? - September, 2009

Life without the car

Chris Richards goes cold turkey in her umpteenth attempt to do without her car – and fumes about the structure of modern life that makes the task so hard.

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NI 424 - Surviving change in the Arctic - July, 2009
Climate radio

Climate radio

Jess Worth talks about the NI magazine on the Arctic with Climate Radio.

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NI 424 - Surviving change in the Arctic - July, 2009
Caught on camera: a police surveillance officer captures Greek and British protesters on film at a London demonstration against police repression, December 2008. Photo by: Marc Vallee

You are being watched

Police surveillance and intimidation of political activists is hitting new heights. Olly Zanetti dodges the long lenses to expose Big Brother’s latest attack on the right to protest.

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NI 423 - China in charge - June, 2009
Zeev Ben Arieh (and priest)

Peace offerings

Members of citizens’ groups for peace that attempt to bridge the Israeli-Palestinian divide talk with Hadani Ditmars about why working together brings its own rewards.

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NI 422 - Multiculturalism - May, 2009
Early in the morning, workers set off to collect shellfish on the polder (dyke) site. Only 16 per cent of the country is arable land and much of it is exhausted; consequently the State has backed polder construction since the early 1950s to create land suitable for rice cultivation. There are now more than 300,000 hectares of reclaimed land. But the polders require constant upkeep.Photo: Alina Paul/Jérôme Bossuet

Inside North Korea

A rare glimpse into the world’s most secretive country, by French aid worker Jérôme Bossuet who spent three years there.

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NI 421 - Put people first - April, 2009
Naked Emperors

Naked Emperors

It’s time to ask some very basic questions, like: What are banks for? What are houses for? What’s credit for? What’s the economy for? Or, for that matter, what’s the environment for? Vanessa Baird suggests a 10-point economic detox programme.

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NI 421 - Put people first - April, 2009
Gathering strength at the World Social Forum, Belém, in February 2009. Photo: Paulo Santos / Reuters

Financial meltdown and the Age of Possibility

As the empire of international finance collapses, David Ransom finds the chance to reset the compass towards democracy, equality and the survival of our planet.

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NI 421 - Put people first - April, 2009
Razorwiretopped fences in the Camp Six detention facility at US Naval Station, Guantánamo. Photo: Mandel Ngan / REUTERS

Guantánamo: Both Sides of the Wire

Rowenna Davis meets a guard and an inmate from the notorious US prison camp in Cuba.

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NI 420 - Mothers who die - March, 2009

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Bloody oil - shut down the tar sands! April, 2010
Bloody oil - shut down the tar sands! April, 2010
Globalization on the rocks March, 2010
Too many of us? The population panic. January, 2010
Welcome to Copenhagen! December, 2009
Welcome to Copenhagen! December, 2009
Terror takeover November, 2009
Islam in power October, 2009
Where have all the Bees gone? September, 2009
Where have all the Bees gone? September, 2009
Where have all the Bees gone? September, 2009
Where have all the Bees gone? September, 2009
Surviving change in the Arctic July, 2009
Surviving change in the Arctic July, 2009
China in charge June, 2009
Multiculturalism May, 2009
Put people first April, 2009
Put people first April, 2009
Put people first April, 2009
Mothers who die March, 2009