Reconnecting with his roots: Paul Wimbush at Tir-y-gael in Wales.Hoppi Wimbush

Hermit Principle: an interview with Paul Wimbush:

The co-founder of an eco-village is creating the future he wants to see, as Rin Simpson discovers.

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NI 464 - Debt - a global scam - July, 2013
Azzam Alwash in the new flourishing marshlands.Goldman Environmental Prize

Making waves: Azzam Alwash

Veronique Mistiaen meets the environmentalist who has breathed new life into Iraq’s Garden of Eden.

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NI 463 - Argentina's challenge - June, 2013
Interview with Khanim Latif

Interview with Khanim Latif

Iraqi campaigner Khanim Latif on her lifelong fight for feminism.

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NI 458 - Internet showdown - December, 2012
Bunker Roy shares a joke
with one of his trainee
grandmothers.Bata Bhurji

African grannies go solar

Indian activist Bunker Roy is bringing electric light to rural villages by training up grandmothers as solar engineers, reports Georgia Hanias.

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NI 453 - Protection racket - June, 2012
Tom KocherryRichard Swift

Tom Kocherry: fisher for justice

The 71-year-old legend of social movement politics in India shows no signs of slowing down, as Richard Swift discovers.

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NI 452 - Mental health - May, 2012
Krystian Legierski: an interview with the Polish gay rights campaigner Tomasz Rykaczewski

Krystian Legierski: an interview with the Polish gay rights campaigner

Krystian Legierski believes the tide is turning in Poland. He speaks to James Gray about his struggles against a notoriously homophobic and xenophobic administration.

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NI 444 - The changing face of masculinity - July, 2011
Interview with Parvin Ardalan Jenny Cleveson

Interview with Parvin Ardalan

Interview with Parvin Ardalan who is at the heart of the struggle for women's rights in Iran.

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NI 440 - Up in arms - March, 2011
Leading the way: Blanco with Enrique Fernández, editor of Lucha Indígena.Roxana Olivera

Hugo Blanco

Leading voice for indigenous rights, Hugo Blanco.

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NI 439 - Who's pushing politicians' buttons? - January, 2011
PV Rajagopal: India's mass mobilizer Skye Hohmann

PV Rajagopal: India's mass mobilizer

PV Rajagopal seeks a return to Ghandian values and wonders what happened to his country.

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NI 435 - Seed savers - September, 2010
Burundian peace worker Pascaline Nsekera

Burundian peace worker Pascaline Nsekera

Working for peace: Burundian Pascaline Nsekera helps refugees in Canada, her adopted country.

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NI 433 - Deported! What happened next? - June, 2010
Durga Sob: Nepal’s trailblazing Dalit feminist WOMANKIND Worldwide / Reineira Arguello

Durga Sob: Nepal’s trailblazing Dalit feminist

Durga Sob, founder of the Feminist Dalit Organization, is fighting discrimination in Nepal.

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NI 432 - Iraq - seven years later - May, 2010
Somaly Mam Photo by ROXANA OLIVERA

Somaly Mam

Somaly Mam has experienced the horrors of sexual slavery. She is now fighting to ensure other young women don’t.

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NI 430 - Globalization on the rocks - March, 2010
Courtesy of Khwendo Kor

Maryam Bibi

Empowering girls and women in Pakistan

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NI 429 - Too many of us? The population panic. - January, 2010
Photo: Oswaldo Rivas / REUTERS

Davi Kopenawa

Yanomami community under threat

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NI 428 - Welcome to Copenhagen! - December, 2009
‘More than 100,000 mines have been destroyed since 1994.’Photo by João Madomal.

Helen Gray

Female de-miners in Mozambique

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NI 427 - Terror takeover - November, 2009
'If a man has nothing to die for then he may as well not live'Photo by: Jonangelo Molinari

Emmanuel Jal

Emmanuel Jal, celebrity rapper and ex-child soldier, talks to Rowenna Davis about why he is championing African education.

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NI 426 - Islam in power - October, 2009
Interview with Mike Bonanno

Interview with Mike Bonanno

Mike Bonanno is a cultural activist and one half of the Yes Men. Five years ago he and sidekick Andy Bichlbaum were invited on to BBC World News pretending to represent Dow Chemicals, whose environmental legacy included the 1984 Bhopal gas disaster.

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NI 425 - Where have all the Bees gone? - September, 2009
Hossam Bahgat talked with Alasdair Soussi.Photo by: The Washington report on Middle East affairs

Hossam Bahgat

Hossam Bahgat is one of Egypt’s most prominent and effective human rights campaigners. He explains why things are getting worse in his country.

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NI 424 - Surviving change in the Arctic - July, 2009
Mohamed Al-Daradji Photo by Ed Stocker

Mohamed Al-Daradji

Ed Stocker talked with the Iraqi filmmaker

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NI 423 - China in charge - June, 2009

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Debt - a global scam July, 2013
Argentina's challenge June, 2013
Internet showdown December, 2012
Bad medicine November, 2012
Protection racket June, 2012
Mental health May, 2012
The changing face of masculinity July, 2011
Up in arms March, 2011
Who's pushing politicians' buttons? January, 2011
Seed savers September, 2010
Deported! What happened next? June, 2010
Iraq - seven years later May, 2010
Globalization on the rocks March, 2010
Too many of us? The population panic. January, 2010
Welcome to Copenhagen! December, 2009
Terror takeover November, 2009
Islam in power October, 2009
Where have all the Bees gone? September, 2009
Surviving change in the Arctic July, 2009
China in charge June, 2009