A new occupation

A new occupation

As Syria reels from the fall of Assad, Israel’s half-century-first incursion into the Golan Heights has plunged local communities into siege and uncertainty. John McAulay reports.

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NI 554 - Indigenous sovereignty in Australia - March, 2025
A statue of the late Syrian President Hafez Assad – the father of Bashar al-Assad – is seen destroyed in Dayr Atiyah, Syria, on 5 January 2025.Photo: Leo Correa/Associated Press/Alamy

The war isn’t over

After the celebrated fall of the Assad regime, questions remain over Syria’s future. As Turkey increases violence in the country’s Kurdish-majority north, Matt Broomfield reports on people’s hopes and fears.

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NI 554 - Indigenous sovereignty in Australia - March, 2025
Photo: Fadi Al-Shami

Southern Exposure: Fadi Al-Shami

Highlighting the work of artists and photographers from the Majority World.

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NI 550 - Abortion - July, 2024
Emergency services deal with a Turkish air strike on a power station in Qamishlo, North and East Syria, 6 October 2023.Photo: Rojava Information Center

Energy warfare

North and East Syrian civilians face a winter without power or water after Turkish airstrikes, reports Eve Morris-Gray.

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NI 547 - Climate capitalism - January, 2024
Sanctions impeded the flow of humanitarian aid reaching communities devastated by February’s catastrophic 7.8 magnitude earthquake in northwest Syria. Here rescuers huddle around homes reduced to rubble in Idlib, Syria, in its aftermath.Photo: Fadi Al-Shami/Majority World

Under embargo

Report on the effectiveness of sanctions on Syria by Matt Broomfield.

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NI 544 - Palestine - July, 2023
The tagline of Iran’s recent pro-women’s movement is translated from a Kurdish slogan which neatly captures the ideology of the region’s feminist politics. Here a mural displays the Kurdish original.Photo: Herzi Pinki/Creative Commons

The science of women

Around the world, people are chanting ‘Women, Life, Freedom’ in solidarity with the women’s uprising in Iran – dubbing it the ‘first feminist revolution in the world’. Not so, argues Rahila Gupta, as she examines its precursor: a Kurdish feminist revolution in Rojava.

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NI 542 - A world to win - March, 2023
Photo: Paul Specht

The Interview: Mohamad Hafez

The Syrian-American architect and visual artist sits down with Louisa Waugh to discuss the power of nostalgia – and how his lifelong homesickness for Syria shapes his work.

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NI 540 - Land rights - November, 2022
Justice delayed

Justice delayed

Rojava’s pleas to repatriate their fighters have fallen mostly on deaf ears, reports Rahila Gupta.

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NI 532 - Courage and terror in Myanmar - July, 2021
Wafa Ali Mustafa holds up a picture of her father during a demonstration on the International Day of the Disappeared, at Alexanderplatz, Berlin.Photo: Ahmad Kalaji

The search for Syria’s missing

The families of the disappeared are not giving up their search until they have answers. Jan-Peter Westad reports.

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NI 529 - The biodiversity emergency - January, 2021
Displaced Syrian Kurdish boys stop at a derelict church in Tel Nasri searching for refuge.Photo: Karlos Zurutuza

Then came betrayal

Report from Syria by Karlos Zurutuza.

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NI 523 - Borders - Freedom to move, for everyone - January, 2020
View of Ferizaj.Photo: Arianna Pagani

After Isis

Thousands of former ISIS foreign fighters and their families are held in Kurdish camps in Syria. Hundreds have escaped during the recent Turkish offensive. Most European countries refuse to repatriate them, but Kosovo is bringing its citizens home. Sara Manisera reports.

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NI 523 - Borders - Freedom to move, for everyone - January, 2020
Photo: Alessio Perrone

'Rebuilding' and social cleansing in Syria

Bashar al-Assad’s regime has laid out a blueprint for the reconstruction of Syria. But this rebuilding works towards a social-cleansing agenda, say Syrian architects and urban planners Hani Fakhani and Abou Zainedin. They spoke with Alessio Perrone.

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NI 522 - China in charge - November, 2019
Photos, clockwise from top right: Soldiers of the Syrian Democratic Forces opposed to the Assad regime bury a comrade killed in the battle for Raqqa in September 2017; citizens of the capital, Damascus, buying food at the start of Ramadan in May 2018; and a portrait of seven-year-old Lubna, who was born in Syria but is part of the enforced exodus and now lives in a refugee camp in neighbouring Jordan.Photos: Ivor Prickett / Panos; Ammar Safarjalani / Xinhua/ Alamy; Chris De Bode / Save the Children / Panos

Country Profile: Syria

Though the conflict in Syria is often described as a civil war, most of the forces at play are exogenous. Zoe Holman writes.

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NI 518 - Building a new internationalism - March, 2019


A look at a study that shows how photos of migrants can influence the political behaviour of those who view them.

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NI 518 - Building a new internationalism - March, 2019
Photo: Thomson Reuters Foundation

‘I stopped demanding a reaction a long time ago’

Syrian reporter Zaina Erhaim on training citizen reporters and the importance of documenting the Assad regime’s atrocities. Interview by Anton Mukhamedov.

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NI 513 - A better media is possible - June, 2018
Pigeons outside Damascus’ Umayyad Mosque take flight at the sound of nearby bombing in besieged suburbs Jobar and Eastern Ghouta.Photo: Sally Hayden

What remains

As president Bashar al-Assad’s regime tightens its grip on war-torn Syria, Sally Hayden reports from three government strongholds on life for ordinary citizens, who are seeking normality, even if rubble and memories are all they have left.

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NI 511 - Humanitarianism under attack - April, 2018
These three Yemeni girls are among the 3.1 million people displaced by the war. They stand by the shredded remains of their tents in Abs settlement, which is regularly damaged by passing sandstorms.Photo: Giles Clarke, UN OCHA / Getty Images

Who cares?

Hazel Healy investigates the challenges facing 21st century humanitarian action.

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NI 511 - Humanitarianism under attack - April, 2018
Daniel Mburu Muhuni (left) and Sven Kacirek (right) against a backdrop of how global trade policies affect African farmers.

Mixed Media: Music

Economic Partnership Agreement by Sven Kacirek and Daniel Mburu Muhuni; Syrian Dreams by Maya Youssef.

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NI 508 - Clampdown! Criminalizing dissent - December, 2017
Photo: Matt Allen

Making Waves: Catherine Shovlin

Thanks to the efforts of Catherine Shovlin, a Syrian refugee camp is building a community spirit. Florence Derrick meets her.

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NI 502 - West Papua - Freedom in sight? - May, 2017

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Indigenous sovereignty in Australia March, 2025
Indigenous sovereignty in Australia March, 2025
Abortion July, 2024
Climate capitalism January, 2024
Palestine July, 2023
A world to win March, 2023
Land rights November, 2022
Railways September, 2022
Courage and terror in Myanmar July, 2021
The biodiversity emergency January, 2021
Borders - Freedom to move, for everyone January, 2020
Borders - Freedom to move, for everyone January, 2020
China in charge November, 2019
Building a new internationalism March, 2019
Building a new internationalism March, 2019
A better media is possible June, 2018
Humanitarianism under attack April, 2018
Humanitarianism under attack April, 2018
Clampdown! Criminalizing dissent December, 2017
West Papua - Freedom in sight? May, 2017