KlimaSeniorinnen: Swiss retirees demonstrate outside the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg on Wednesday 29 March 2023.Photo: Jean-Francois Badias/AP Photo/Alamy

Temperature Check

Climate lawsuits take off. Words – Danny Chivers.

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NI 550 - Abortion - July, 2024
Activists from Global Justice Now demand that the UK government exit the Energy Charter Treaty during a protest in London on 4 November 2022. In February this year, the UK announced it would leave the Treaty.Photo: Andrea Domeniconi/Alamy

Temperature Check

Polls, public pressure and pipelines. A round-up of some key climate news by Danny Chivers.

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NI 549 - Debt: which way out? - May, 2024
Climate activists Patience Nabukalu (front centre) and Greta Thunberg (front left) join a protest against the East African Crude Oil Pipeline in Bonn, Germany on 12 June 2023.Photo: Henning Kaiser/Associated Press/Alamy

Temperature Check

Four sources of climate hope. Words by Danny Chivers.

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NI 548 - South Africa 30 years later - March, 2024
Even in cold weather, heat pumps extract enough heat from the air to keep people warm inside their home.Photo: Island Images/Alamy Stock Photo

Temperature Check

Pumped up. Are heat pumps the low-impact solution we need to heat our homes? Words by Danny Chivers.

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NI 547 - Climate capitalism - January, 2024
People from the Waoraní Indigenous community attend an event promoting a ‘yes’ vote in a referendum on not extracting oil in Quito, Ecuador, on Monday 14 August 2023.Photo: AP Photo/Dolores Ochoa/Alamy

Temperature Check

‘A victory for life over capitalism’. How the people of Ecuador beat the oil giants and saved Yasuní National Park, by Danny Chivers.

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NI 546 - Spying on dissent - November, 2023
Standing firm against BP sponsorship of the British Museum’s ‘Troy’ exhibition on 8 February 2020. Hundreds of activists were also joined by a giant Trojan horse.Photo: Imageplotter/Alamy

Temperature Check

Ending the artwash. Words by Danny Chivers.

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NI 545 - Decolonize now - September, 2023
Get wired: A vehicle recharging point at a motorway service station in Derbyshire, England.Photo: Transportimage Picture Library/Alamy

Temperature Check

Electric cars: climate saviours or eco-villains? Words – Danny Chivers.

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NI 544 - Palestine - July, 2023
An activist holds a placard featuring Gautam Adani during a protest in Delhi, India on 6 February 2023.Photo: Adnan Abidi/Reuters/Alamy

Temperature Check

Coal in a hole. Words Danny Chivers.

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NI 543 - Loneliness - May, 2023
Australian activist Deanna ‘Violet’ Coco was handed 15 months in prison for being part of a climate protest that blocked Sydney’s Harbour Bridge. An appeal against her sentence is due to be heard in March 2023. A group of Coco’s supporters gathered in front of Parliament House, Canberra, on 5 December 2022.Photo: Leo Bild/Alamy

Temperature Check

How to fight the climate clampdown. Words by Danny Chivers.

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NI 542 - A world to win - March, 2023
Artists and activists from BP or not BP? disrupt the BP Portrait Award in London, England, on 10 June 2019.Photo: Mark Kerrison/Alamy

Temperature Check

5 good news climate stories from 2022 by Danny Chivers.

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NI 541 - The cost of living crisis - January, 2023
Keeping it green: One of the activists taking part in a human chain at the 10th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP10) in Nagoya, Japan on 28 October 2010.Photo: Reuters/Alamy/Yuriko Nakao

Temperature Check

One eye on nature, by Aruna Chandrasekhar.

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NI 540 - Land rights - November, 2022
A Scientist Rebellion march makes its way through The Hague on 6 April 2022, stopping at the Dutch Finance Ministry, the Economy and Climate Ministry and the Foreign Affairs Ministry buildings on the way.Photo: Ana Fernandez/SIPA US/Alamy

Temperature Check

Applied science. Danny Chivers reports on A Scientist Rebellion in The Netherlands.

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NI 538 - Rivers of life - July, 2022
Hundreds of billboards and bus stops – like this one in Brighton, England – have been hacked by activists across Europe as part of the call to #BanFossilAds and stop greenwashing.Design: Noel Douglas. Installation: Brandalism

Temperature Check

Can we banish polluters from our billboards? Words by Danny Chivers.

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NI 537 - How we stop big oil - May, 2022
In South Africa, activists are challenging Shell’s drilling plans along the country’s eastern coastline.Photo: Mike Hutchings/Reuters/Alamy Stock Photo

Temperature check

The ultimate 2022 climate to-do list by Danny Chivers.

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NI 536 - Abolition - March, 2022
Farmers in India have led the way restoring soils and boosting yields.Photo: Jake Lyell/Alamy

Temperature check

Soil – the climate fix that cop forgot. By Danny Chivers.

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NI 535 - Romani lives matter - January, 2022
Internationalize it! A girl takes part in a global day of action on climate change in Khayelitsha township near Cape Town, South Africa in September 2020.Photo: Sumaya Hisham/Reuters

Temperature check

Danny Chivers suggests five useful things you can do during COP26.

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NI 534 - The future of work - November, 2021
Protesters make the link between climate change and wildfires at the British Museum, which receives sponsorship from oil firm BP.Photo: Joseph Edwards

Temperature check

The burning issue; Breaking the mould; Here comes the sun.

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NI 533 - Food justice: who gets to eat? - September, 2021
Tree-planting overkill? There literally isn’t enough room on the planet to host all the corporate carbon-offsetting plans.Photo: Nikola Jovanovic/Unsplash

Temperature check

Is there such a thing as a ‘good’ carbon offset? Words by Danny Chivers.

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NI 532 - Courage and terror in Myanmar - July, 2021
Fighting on all fronts. Samela, a 23-year-old activist from the Association of the Satere-Mawe Indigenous Women in Manaus, Amazonas in Brazil, co-ordinates the production of protective face masks.Photo: Raphael Alves/IMF/Creative Commons

Temperature check

Want to restore and protect the world’s forests? Then uphold the rights of the people who live in them, says Danny Chivers.

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NI 531 - Vaccine equality - May, 2021

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Abortion July, 2024
Debt: which way out? May, 2024
South Africa 30 years later March, 2024
Climate capitalism January, 2024
Spying on dissent November, 2023
Decolonize now September, 2023
Palestine July, 2023
Loneliness May, 2023
A world to win March, 2023
The cost of living crisis January, 2023
Land rights November, 2022
Railways September, 2022
Rivers of life July, 2022
How we stop big oil May, 2022
Abolition March, 2022
Romani lives matter January, 2022
The future of work November, 2021
Food justice: who gets to eat? September, 2021
Courage and terror in Myanmar July, 2021
Vaccine equality May, 2021