Unseen: the psychological impact of Israel’s attacks on Gaza will have a profound long-term effect on Palestinians.Photo: Belal Khaled/AA/TT/TT News Agency/Press Association Images

A deeper pain

The daily reality of life in Gaza creates unseen psychological scars, writes psychiatrist Samah Jabr.

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NI 477 - Big oil RIP? - November, 2014
‘No to fascism!’ Provocative and emotive posters and images have become commonplace in Ukraine’s propaganda assault.Photo: Alexander Ermochenko/AP/Press Association Images

When propaganda rules

Powerful, persuasive words and images in Ukraine’s information war have led to casualties of truth on all sides. Lily Hyde observes how, as Crimea and East Ukraine break away, a war of words turns lethal.

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NI 474 - Feminism fights back - July, 2014
Photo: AHRDO

Making Waves: Afghanistan's theatre of the oppressed

Encouraging people to act out their trauma results not just in empathy but in action. Hjalmar Jorge Joffre-Eichhorn has witnessed the transformation first hand.

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NI 473 - The politics of language loss - June, 2014
The US is pushing the Afghan government to sign an agreement that would allow US troops to arrest, detain and extradite any Afghan deemed to threaten its security interests.The US Army

Afghanistan: time to move on?

Ewa Jasiewicz wonders what the US troops will be leaving behind.

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NI 471 - The war on whistleblowers - April, 2014

Dead bastards

Heaven help military personnel who blow the whistle. Alexa O’Brien is tracking the case of Chelsea Manning.

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NI 471 - The war on whistleblowers - April, 2014
Jamal Salman receives treatment at Al-Wafa Rehabilitation Centre in Gaza. He was injured during an Israeli drone strike which killed his wife and brother-in-law. The father of two small children, he is now paraplegic and has limited use of one of his arms.Anne Paq/Activestills

From hero to zero

Maysoon Zayid explores the challenges facing those disabled by war, occupation and prejudice.

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NI 467 - Time to rethink disability - November, 2013
Rescue workers deliver the coffin of one of the hostages to the hospital in the nearby town of Amenas.Ramzi Boudina / Reuters

Algerian gas plant terror: the real story

Used to justify Western military in North Africa, we have not been told the truth about the Tiguentourine attack reveals Jeremy Keenan.

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NI 461 - Demolition job - April, 2013
Watch you don't fall: supporters of President Bashar Assad stand atop a fountain during a rally in Damascus.Muzaffar Salman/AP Photo

Syria's Catch-22

The current conflict has deep and tangled roots, as Tam Hussein explains.

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NI 454 - Co-operatives - July, 2012
Not all Jews back Tel Aviv
policy. Ultra-Orthodox
protesters outside the
Republican convention
earlier this year.Eric Thayer / Reuters

Why American Jews are falling out of love with Israel

Outspoken scholar Norman Finkelstein speaks to Hazel Healy about his latest book Knowing Too Much.

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NI 453 - Protection racket - June, 2012
Gone for soldiers David Cheskin / PA Wire

Gone for soldiers

The reality of conflict, from World War One to Afghanistan, has had a terrible impact on Joe Glenton and his family.

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NI 452 - Mental health - May, 2012
Tuaregs hard hit by Mali conflict

Tuaregs hard hit by Mali conflict

Nick Harvey and Julien Tremblin look at the plight of Tuareg refugees caught in the crossfire of a conflict that’s as devastating as it is complex...

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NI 452 - Mental health - May, 2012
Eritrea's wretched independence

Eritrea's wretched independence

The country's 30-year war with Ethiopia has been followed by 21 years of repression, says Saleh 'Gadi' Johar.

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NI 452 - Mental health - May, 2012
Last year’s winners, Azerbaijan
– creating more of a furore than
they could have imagined.AP Photo / Frank Augstein

Eurovision re-opens old wounds in the Caucasus

Azerbaijan's hosting of the event on 26 May has caused tensions in the region as Armenia pulls out.

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NI 452 - Mental health - May, 2012
Podcast: child soldiers in Colombia

Podcast: child soldiers in Colombia

Seth Biderman
discusses the plight of children forced to fight in Colombia's civil war and what happens when they try to reintegrate into civil society

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NI 450 - Time for a fair economy - March, 2012
Cartoon Corner Special Takver Under a CC Licence

Cartoon Corner Special

Big Bad World, Only Planet plus guest cartoonist Mohammad Saba’aneh from Palestine.

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NI 449 - Haiti two years on - January, 2012
Guns and Bread: how mercenaries moved into aid  The US Army under a CC Licence

Guns and Bread: how mercenaries moved into aid

Michael Lewis explores what happens when private security companies muscle in to 'deliver aid'.

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NI 449 - Haiti two years on - January, 2012
Ramzan Kadyrov AP Photo / Musa Sadulayev

Ramzan Kadyrov

A profile of the President of Chechnya.

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NI 442 - Climate change denial - May, 2011
As I walked out... Idil Sukan

As I walked out...

Compulsive rambler Mark Thomas walks the line along the notorious Israeli Separation Barrier in an extract from his new book.

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NI 442 - Climate change denial - May, 2011

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Big oil RIP? November, 2014
Feminism fights back July, 2014
The politics of language loss June, 2014
The politics of language loss June, 2014
The war on whistleblowers April, 2014
The war on whistleblowers April, 2014
Commodities - the pitfalls of resource wealth March, 2014
Time to rethink disability November, 2013
Demolition job April, 2013
Co-operatives July, 2012
Protection racket June, 2012
Mental health May, 2012
Mental health May, 2012
Mental health May, 2012
Mental health May, 2012
Time for a fair economy March, 2012
Haiti two years on January, 2012
Haiti two years on January, 2012
Climate change denial May, 2011
Climate change denial May, 2011