Southern Exposure

Chandan Robert Rebeiro captures a budding Bangladeshi photographer.

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NI 503 - Homelessness - June, 2017
Photo: Iqbal Hossein

Southern Exposure

Iqbal Hossein photographs Rohingya refugees, and hears their harrowing experiences.

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NI 502 - West Papua - Freedom in sight? - May, 2017
Bangladesh's smashing pumpkins

Bangladesh's smashing pumpkins

Bangladeshi farmers employ a new tool in their struggle against poverty and climate change... pumpkins. Kelsi Farrington reports.

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NI 496 - World Fiction Special - Exquisite short stories - October, 2016
Picking up the pieces: a garment worker sorts material in a building near the site of the Rana Plaza collapse.Photo: G.M.B. Akash/Panos Pictures

Out of the ashes of Rana Plaza

The factory collapse in 2013 caused an international outcry – but have labour conditions improved? Thulsi Narayanasamy reports from Bangladesh.

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NI 495 - Trade unions - rebuild, renew, resist - September, 2016
Photo: Shumi/

Surfer girls defy convention in Bangladesh

Surfer girl Shumi captures her friend on camera.

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NI 492 - Technology justice - May, 2016
Rana Plaza campaign victory

Rana Plaza campaign victory

Compensation award will bolster future efforts to hold manufacturers to account, reports Ilona Kelly.

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NI 484 - Capitalism is spinning out of control - July, 2015
Mourners remember Avijit Roy, murdered in March. Just weeks later, Washiqur Rahman, a blogger known for his atheist views, was also killed in Dhaka.ZUMA Press, Inc. / Alamy

Bangladesh: a death allowed

Shahidul Alam laments a culture of impunity.

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NI 482 - Global banking now - May, 2015
Nasima Khan (left) with her home servant Sokina.Copyright Jannatul Mawa

Southern Exposure: close distance

Photographer Jannatul Mawa closes the distance between housewives and housemaids in Bangladesh.

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NI 481 - Total control - is Monsanto unstoppable? - April, 2015
Mohammad Akhtar Alam’s scar is a constant reminder of his debt.Sophie Cousins

Desperate measures

Why Bangladeshis are selling the only asset they have- their organs. By Sophie Cousins.

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NI 467 - Time to rethink disability - November, 2013
Mariam, Rana Plaza survivor, shares a joke with her sister in Dhaka last June.Suvra Kanti Das

Out of the ruins of the Rana Plaza

Photographer Suvra Kanti Das meets survivors of the garment factory collapse in Dhaka.

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NI 467 - Time to rethink disability - November, 2013

Ready or not: can Bangladesh cope with climate change?

New Internationalist co-editor Hazel Healy travelled there to find out how people are adapting to a warming world.

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NI 451 - Adapt or die - April, 2012
Most of the country’s land mass lies fewer than 10 metres above sea level. Climate change will subject farmland to both drought and flooding. Photo: Shaiful Chowdhury / DRIK / Majority World

Frontline Bangladesh

Some Pacifc islands are already being evacuated. Bangladesh stands next in the climate change frontline. The difference is, it has a massive and growing population.

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NI 429 - Too many of us? The population panic. - January, 2010

GMB Akash

GMB Akash photographs children being children at a dump yard in Bangladesh.

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NI 428 - Welcome to Copenhagen! - December, 2009
Friends embrace in the streets of Dhaka. Displays of male affection are common but homosexuality is considered unacceptable in Islamic Bangladesh.Photo: Rafiquarrahman / REUTERS

Love in a grey zone

In Bangladesh, homosexuality is illegal. Delwar Hussain talks to Suleman, a gay imam, about what this means for him and his partner.

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NI 427 - Terror takeover - November, 2009

Khaled Hasan

Khaled Hasan captures life working in Bangladesh’s brickfields.

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NI 423 - China in charge - June, 2009

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Homelessness June, 2017
West Papua - Freedom in sight? May, 2017
World Fiction Special - Exquisite short stories October, 2016
Trade unions - rebuild, renew, resist September, 2016
Technology justice May, 2016
Syria’s good guys - Inside a forgotten revolution September, 2015
Capitalism is spinning out of control July, 2015
Global banking now May, 2015
Total control - is Monsanto unstoppable? April, 2015
The great green energy grab March, 2015
Commodities - the pitfalls of resource wealth March, 2014
Time to rethink disability November, 2013
Time to rethink disability November, 2013
Adapt or die April, 2012
Seed savers September, 2010
Too many of us? The population panic. January, 2010
Welcome to Copenhagen! December, 2009
Terror takeover November, 2009
China in charge June, 2009
World food crisis March, 1973