Struggling with an ethical dilemma? New Internationalist’s Agony Uncle can help you find answers in our troubled political times.
Activists in Brazil are taking on the housing crisis through mass-occupations. Richard Matoušek reports from São Paulo on how the formidable movement is building popular power to provide secure homes.
Initiatives, action, and further reading on the cost of living.
As the cost of living crisis becomes entrenched, Nick Dowson examines the scene of the crime, tracks down the culprits and proposes a route to resolution.
Cape Town’s citizens’ groups are not taking housing injustice lying down, according to Ben Verghese and Ilham Rawoot.
The mushrooming trend of cashing in on fast returns from housing is devastating working people’s lives in cities across the world. UN expert Leilani Farha lays it on the line. Interview by Dinyar Godrej.
In cities such as New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles, working people have been all but priced out, pushed into ever more distant fringes and suburbs. Mark Engler explores solutions.
In August hundreds died in a landslide in Sierra Leone. Dumbuya Mustapha reports on the arguing over who was responsible that has followed – and the efforts to hold the government responsible to ensure the tragedy is not repeated.
Report from Britain by Alessio Perrone
A round-up of inspired ideas and practices.
More and more young people are becoming homeless across the West. Catherine Yeomans reports on how to tackle the issue
Civil war, mental illness, poverty, gang violence: housing insecurity has many roots.
India's $15 billion grand project is already in trouble. Nimisha Jaiswal investigates
Sian Griffiths reports on a no-nonsense movement which is reshaping traditional solutions to chronic homelessness
With house prices and rents soaring, can there be a remedy to homelessness? Wayne Ellwood investigates.
A photographic account of changes over the years in: housing; water; education; health; sanitation; food and farming; technology; and women.
Koren Helbig on a fairer, more equal way to solve Spain's homes crisis.